Hi` let me introduce my self. Here is some quotes: If a friend has opened up their heart to you, it's because they respect your views and trust you. If you start spreading vicious rumours about them, they'll feel betrayed . If is happens, it'll be really embarrassing and nobody will ever trust you again. We all need someone to talk to and listening to a mate´s problems is a part of any friendship. You´r pal won´t expect you to come up with all the answers, but just having a shoulder to cry on, is a big comfort in itself. Making mistakes is part of what makes us
human. The majority of us always regret what we've done but find apologising quite
difficult. Like my Net birth Banner? If someone betrays you once, it's his
fault; The Dove of Peace flies from site to site, through many countries as possible. It does not belong to ANY belief system. Please help it make a line around the globe by taking it with you to your site, by giving it to someone for their site, by passing it on to another continent, or to the conflict areas of the world... There ara moments in life when you miss
someone so much Life's battle is not always won by those who are stronger or faster: sooner or later the person who wins, is the person who think he or she can. My quilt. Link back to: https://www.angelfire.com/co/vaks/index.html "The challenge is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else." Take this dove and Place it on your pages Reach for the stars When friendships are real, they are not
glass threads, or frostwork, but the solidest things we know. A friend is the first person
who come in when the whole world has gone out. |
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