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[translated by : MANUELA]


Inzaghi is prothagonist of the day dedicated to the research for cancer in which each goal worth 8 milion lire.


How will goleadores of the championship live the initiative “A goal for the research"? Pippo Inzaghi is as strong on the field, where he runs and fights, as generous in his life. Milan forward, protagonist of this special day, says: "We hope to score many goals, in our own small way we’ll live a different Sunday. We will try to score, but the most important goals is scored by the persons who succeed in recovering and research is decisive for their health."

Inzaghi, since he was in Juve, has always tried to help people who suffer. "I went to see the children of Gaslini Hospital, in Genova – red&black forward says – It’s really sad to see them ill. They make you reflect. I understood how much it’s stupid to get angry because of many everyday banalities. I will never forget their faces and their questions. Many questions. And when their parents and nurses told me my visit had made to smile again children who couldn’t smile anymore, I felt a strong emotion. With those children I passed a touching day, that I will remember forever."

And also now, in silence, Inzaghi is involved in some initiatives of solidarity. "Many football players go to a lot of bother to help the others, not all of them want to make it known, but it’s clear in this day we all have more stimuluses." Maybe the defenders will be kinder..."I hope so."