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MILANO - The day after the victory (he scored once) in Udine Pippo Inzaghi chose his family and thus Piacenza, to rest and fully enjoy the 24-hour off Terim granted to the team.
Milan's sharpshooter expresses his feelings: "This is no doubt a very positive moment, we're glad things are going so well. Even though, to be honest, we haven't actually done anything. The road we've turned into is the right one, though the our target is yet to be reached. We're satisfied because we're beginning to see the results of our hard work, a confirmation of everybody's efforts".

From this point of view comes Pippo's special dedication: "The first people I can think of now are those teammates who get to contest less, players who could be first choices in any other team. Thanks also to these players, a true group was created, a united one, ready to fight together to overcome difficulties. I see a wonderful team spirit, and this is actually our secret".

Some, commenting upon his performance at the Friuli Stadium, stated Inzaghi has never performed such an unselfish match: "I do not agree with this statement - he replies - simply because I've always done my utmost even in the past, when playing for other clubs. Of course, I'm very enthusiastic, and this is quite normal: the club strongly relied on me and now is time for me to meet their expactations, that's why I intend to do my very best".
