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MILAN – Inzaghi got praises from everyone, but what he surely liked best was a remark by Giovanni Trapattoni.
“LOOK AT INZAGHI! HE IS ALREADY RAGING” is the headline of a long interview “Trap” gave to the Corriere dello Sport.
Trapattoni added: “He is already OK, he’s got the right spirit and moves all the time. He wanted to accelerate his recovery, but I egotistically advised him not to hurry. I don’t think he could have changed the derby result”.
Trap also said that Inzaghi is “an enormous pain in the neck for every defender: he is always there, gets ruled offside dozens of times, but in the end he always manages to punish you”.
In view of the World Cup, these are words that sound sweet, and Pippo Inzaghi smiles...
