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[translated by MANUELA]


Since today the forward will train again with his team-mates 


Everyone knows Milan has broken down since he injured, but he minimizes

MILAN. Adriano Galliani: "There are 2 Milan, before and after Inzaghi’s injury: if now the team has difficulties, it’s because of that damned injury." Carlo Ancelotti: "We miss his courage and his ability to carry the group." Andriy Shevchenko: 9 goals in 11 matches with Inzaghi, 4 goals in 11 matches without Inzaghi. Milan: forth with 3 points less than Inter (leader of the placings) with Inzaghi, sixth with 12 points less than Juventus without Inzaghi.

Galliani, Ancelotti, Shevchenko, Milan: don’t worry, Inzaghi is coming back. Already today, unless unexpected postponements, he will train with the rest of the team, and it will be the first time since he broke his left knee in a crash between courageous men with Cristiano Lupatelli – last 2 December. Maybe he won’t do the whole training. But he will be there, or at least he should be there. And it’s a fundamental moment to approach his real return on the field, for which it has been set 3 imminent and important dates: 1) On Thursday 28 February, in the return match of Uefa Cup against Roda, Filippo Inzaghi could be on the bench and play the last part of the match, above all if Milan will have ensure the qualification: 2) On Sunday 3 March, in the derby, it should be repeated this experiment, that will become sure if the test against Roda will give a positive result: 3) On Sunday 10 March, in Bologna, he could play the whole match near Andriy Shevchenko. It’s all hypothetical, obviously: the recovery after a so serious injury can undergo a postponement also for a stupid complication, because it would be crazy to risk a relapse because of the desire to speed things up of 7 or 14 days. But the signals about Milan forward are very comforting: crossing fingers, who has been near him in these 80 days of pain and hard work says all has gone in the best way possible. In fact his complete recovery should come before the first expectations, which planned his return on the field at the middle of March.

Waited as a rescuer, at his return on the field Filippo Inzaghi will be in a psychological condition that is ideal (if he will take Milan at the top he will be given a medal) but also difficult, because he is the last  red&black hope and everyone expects a fundamental help from him. Also towards the rest of the group the forward’s position is not so easy, because who plays in the difficulties could suffer his shadow, become cumbersome not because of his behaviour but because of regrets towards him showed even by Galliani and Ancelotti. Just to avoid to cause further problems to Milan, Filippo Inzaghi has chosen not to give enthusiastic declarations: it would seem to him to be disrespectful to his team-mates, knowing well how much they are suffering for the negative results. It’s sure that today the ex Juve forward is a kind of symbol of Milan, a role he has gained with his goals, with his behaviour on the field and also with his behaviour which has characterized his first months in Milan.