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On Tuesday, in the studio of the famous Milanese photographer Bob Krieger, Filippo Inzaghi was present to select the new advertisement for Friends of the heart the foundation that helps children suffering from heart problems. The Foundation of Milan have chosen Filippo Inzaghi as their testimonial to represent the campaign for suffering children. Along with Pippo there is six-month-old Sebastiano. 'I believe it is a fantastic initiative, declared Inzaghi to the Milan Channel. 'To think that children so small should suffer hurts my heart, now that I am uncle I can give myself to it in a better way. I accepted this responsibility with enthusiasm and I am content they thought of me for this campaign, I hope that this initiative can give a hand to a number of children. Children are the most precious thing that we have, above all they are the most real people and for this I love them a great deal and hope that one day I can be a good father' The Foundation supports this organization and the organization of many other campaigns: 'I believe this is a great initiative; infact we have gotten a number of volunteers and the Foundation hopes to give a hand to many who suffer.' Filippo Inzaghi also spoke about soccer into the microphones of the Milan Channel: 'I am happy to have scored so many goals (11 in Champions and 11 in the League) and the credit goes to my teammates who put me in the position to score. I hope however that we win something, to get the results that we had hoped for at the start of the season. In the quarter-finals of Champions League , continued Inzaghi, I would prefer not to play against another Italian squad, but all of us have the goal of going to Manchester therefore we have to be whomever. Now we can concentrate on the League, Sunday we match up against Atalanta, the team in which I spent an unforgetable year. Sunday however I will look to win with Milan and perhaps to score.'
