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[translated by: MANUELA]


ROMA – For Filippo Inzaghi 4 months of stop and the comfort of his brother Simone, who will assist him also this morning in the clinic where he will be operated by Andre Campi, doctor of Lazio and head physician of orthopaedic ward of San Giacomo hospital in Rome. The decision to operate Milan player’s knee, after the hard crash with Chievo’s goalkeeper last Sunday, was already taken on Monday. Campi has visited Milan forward and the operation is considered necessary. After it, Inzaghi will have to wear a support for a month before the rehabilitation. "It’ s an anomalous operation because this kind of ligament isn’t always operated. In 4 months Inzaghi will be again on field." During the operation there will be also Milan doctor, Rodolfo Tavana.


Who swears about Pippo’s recovery is his brother Simone, the first who has recommended him the choice of the surgeon: "He has consulted with me and I have had no doubts in indicating to him doctor Campi. He has trusted me and besides our doctor has already operated many champions." Simone talks also about what Milan will miss with his brother’s absence: "He will come back stronger than before. The only problem is he will have to be out for 4 months in a crucial moment of championship. He was the best player of Milan, he scored every Sunday. I had never seen him in such a good form. I will stay close to him, just as my son Tommaso, who will help his uncle to recover faster." And maybe he will see them together in the national team at next World Cup. "Pippo will surely be there. With his goals he brought us to the qualification. Instead, I only have a little hope."