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[translated by MANUELA]



The day has arrived. Filippo Inzaghi, since a few minutes ago the new purchase of Milan, gives us the first “official” interview, in an enthusiastic way, of the new adventure that will see him with the red & black shirt since next 16 July, day of the meeting in Milanello Training Center.

Few words, probably the last ones before the press conference planned for the first day of the retreat. Then he will be able to dive himself again in the holidays and in the sea of Sardegna, even if this evening he will have a last appointment: the telephone call to Milan Channel.


So you have signed a contract that will bind you to Milan till 2006: what did you leave behind your shoulders and what do you see in your future?

"In Juve I passed 4 wonderful years, I got on well with everyone, team-mates, executives, fans and I was pleased by all the demonstrations of affection I received at the end of my last match in black & white shirt. But now it’s the beginning of a new, fascinating adventure."


Many teams in Italy and Europe wanted you: why did you choose Milan?

"I know Milan have always wanted me, and for this reason I feel myself very respected and appreciated by the society of Via Turati, in particular by Adriano Galliani. I have always said that if I had gone away from Juve I would have done it only to go to Milan and it has been so. The reasons? The first one is to know I go to a team with players like Maldini, Costacurta, Albertini, Ambrosini, who are the old group of Milan boys I could see regularly and above all I could appreciate during the many matches played in the national team: this thing can only make my integration easier."

"Then I was struck by the affection red & black fans, even if I have been an opponent for much time, demonstrated to me with the banners raised during the match Milan-Brescia. I am enthusiastic of the new experience I am going toward, I would like to start the retreat just tomorrow."


It has been said and written very much about the couple Inzaghi-Shevchenko...

"I know very well Sheva (he calls him just in this way), I think I can’t add anything else about his qualities as a football player, I can only say that outside the field he is a very humble and simple person I get on well with. With him there will not be surely problems of co-existence, besides we must not forget in Milan there are also other good forwards. The important thing is to become integrated with everyone, the strength of the group is essential to make good things."


Do you know your new trainer Terim?

"No, I don’t know him personally. I know what he has been able to do in his country and here. The results speak for him, I know he wants to win always and anyway and this is a characteristic that I like particularly in a trainer."


Which are the aims you have set yourself coming to Milan?

"Milan made me sign a contract of 5 years; considering my age this is a further proof of respect and trust. Aims? To win in Italy and Europe, immediately."


The numbers speak for you: 180 goals in 366 official matches: is there one of them you remember in  particular way?

Each goal for a forward is a satisfaction, anyway I remember with pleasure the first goals in the national team (a double against Spain) and the 3 goals against Bologna that led Scudetto to Juve. I hope to add to the memories still something very important: I have in front of me 5 years in red & black, I will undertake to do better.


Is there something in your already great career you wouldn’t do again?

"The goals to Milan...No, joking apart, I have nothing to reproach myself with. I have been lucky because, talking about football, I have had the possibility to grow slowly, maturing in Juventus and arriving now in one of the greatest clubs of the world."


In one of the most beautiful city of the world...

"I know Milan very well, my 4 best friends live there and are great red & black fans: when they knew my passage to Milan they walked on air. Besides I am also near to my town, Piacenza, where my parents live."


Let’s end with the inevitable message to your new fans

"I don’t like to make promises, I prefer the facts on the field. I can only say I am very happy to wear the shirt of my Milan."


taken from AC MILAN's official site