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[translated by: MANUELA] 

Goodbye to March after 90 minutes of surgical confirmations. It lasted the time of a match the operation to whom, yesterday morning, Filippo Inzaghi was undergone in the clinic Sacro Volto in Rome. 90 minutes of “work” on his left knee, whose ligament was broken last Sunday in Milan-Chievo, in the violent and fortuitous crash with the goalkeeper Cristiano Lupatelli. In the operation theatre there were Andrea Campi, manager of medical staff of Lazio, but above all head physician of orthopaedic ward of San Giacomo hospital in Rome, chosen personally by the forward for the operation, and Rodolfo Tavana, doctor of Milan. There were also Pippo’s parents, Giancarlo and Marina, while his brother Simone went to the clinic after the training made with Lazio in Formello. Late in the afternoon, some hours after the awakening (the operation was made under general anaesthetic), Inzaghi, described as serene and trusting, received telephone calls from Portugal by Adriano Galliani and Carlo Ancelotti, who gave him the wishes of club and team. It seems it arrived also a message from Milan president, Silvio Berlusconi, who has great respect for the forward that should be discharged tomorrow evening. At most, on Saturday.

"The operation was really successful", doctor Campi explains, "the medical test that preceded it didn’t highlight other problems at the knee, so we could concentrate our attention only on ligaments." Also the time of recovery was confirmed. "Indicatively it’s of 3 months", Campi points out. "During first 30 days the player will have to wear a support and to rest, above all. In the second month, after the usual checkups, he will be able to start physiotherapy. The third month, unless any difficulties arise, is dedicated to the competitive training. Yes, I’m quite optimistic."

So, looking at calendar, Pippo could be ready for the middle of March. So able to persuade Trapattoni (obviously he also called him yesterday) to call him up for World Cup. "I will be ready for scudetto and World Cup", Pippo has confirmed. The player wouldn’t be late even if his return had to slip to April. It will that one the decisive month.

On 14 April there will be Juventus-Milan, return match of one of the most important matches for scudetto. The match of Sunday, that he would have paid to play among San Siro public which has already adopted him, will be watched by Pippo on TV at home, almost surely in Piacenza. But almost surely Pippo will play the return match in Delle Alpi, stadium of his black&white goals, in spring. It’s what has been wished him also by Christian Vieri, one of his friends who have called him in these hours. Vieri’s call (not the first one...) was particularly welcome, because he is one of those players who have often had to fight against bad luck recently. "Now, think only to recover. Then you will be stronger", Vieri told him. "When you come back home, we’ll meet." Date to the next week, for Pippo and Christian. Today, instead, visit of doctor Campi who has wanted to underline a thing: "It’s not important I’m the doctor of Lazio. As orthopaedist I’m honoured by Pippo and Milan trust. At first there was a little distrust, but all has been overcome. Collaboration with Tavana has been perfect." We remind Milan had indicated to its player doctor Cherubino, but every person can decide which doctor he wants to be treated by. So Pippo Inzaghi has only made the most of his right. His choice, obviously, has been influenced by the advice of his brother Simone, who has a daily relationship of respect with Campi, as all Lazio players.