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Chapter 7 - City Hall
by Al Apel
I first saw the Old City Hall about the age of six. When people say kids don't notice things. They are nuts, as I could tell with one look whether a person was homely, ugly or good looking--some time without knowing why, but that feeling is a natural thing in most people and most natural in kids as they have no preconceived notions or teachings that have softened or hardened their natural taste for pleasing things.

As I remember, I never liked the looks of the Old City Hall as a kid. I liked the looks of the old market that was across the street from city hall--why I don't know. I can't tell you why I dislike some modern buildings and some modern automobiles, but I get the same feeling I got as a kid. The only explanation I can figure out is that the use of ornaments, gimmicks or tricks are usually tricks that make more money for the architects and builders as to some people they seem to be worth more. When you get right down to it, simple good looking architecture, statues, ornaments or machinery requires more thinking, planning and taste than running wild with a lot of trick ornaments on every corner or ledge. Simple modern designing and engineering can be beautiful if it is well thought out in regards to its surroundings and purpose. Paintings, statues and scrolls have their place and always will be with us, but it takes a dam good designer to use them.

Remember I am not talking about the sentimental side. A wife looked good to her husband, sons and daughters, but they saw more than the outside. What makes it hard for me is like the Old City Hall is I do not think the old place had a soul or a conscience inside of her. Getting old is a natural thing, and dying and turning to dust is also a natural and well planned thing.

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Wayne W. Brummel, Louisville Colorado
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Last updated, May 13, 2008