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Welcome to Syndra's Resting Quarters

[Syndra-Black Fighter]

Meet Syndra...

A remarkable and formidable looking female. Don't let her looks intimidate you. Her name is Latin for "like a star". We believe that her strong color will help her in the fighting pits, intimidation can be very strong at times.

Recent news!!

Syndra was challenged by Lady Wizard's dragon, Liz. The following recap is from Lady Wizard.
"Syndra and Liz enter the arena. Both dragons look well fed and ready to go. Liz waits, thinking up strategy, but Syndra is faster so she attacks first. She delivers a strong magical attack, Blazing Claws. The attack connects with Liz's Face and though Liz did block part of it, it was still not enough to save her. Liz falls to the floor, her energy is spent. She tries once to get up but the attack was too powerful and Liz can't get up. Syndra is the WINNER!!! There was only one round because Liz lost all of her hit points in the first round. Syndra recieves 10 experience points."

In honour of her first win, she received a very special treat from a very dear friend. Many roses were sent to a "fierce and beautiful dragon". On behalf of Syndra and myself, I would like to thank Damon.

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