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A Black Family Christmas
Written by: Lori Anderson

A Chance At Love
Written by: Jessica Dallow & Jen Rayner

A Holiday To Remember
Written by: Jessica Dallow & Alli Wall

A Love Beyond Compare
Written by: Sandra Bondelier

A Love for all Time
Written by: Dixie Allen

A Love of Passion
Written by: Jessica Dallow & Shannon Richards

A Love So True
Written by: Lori Williams

A Love That Will Never Be Broken
Written by: Jessica Lynn Dallow

A Love that Will Never Die
Written by: Jenn Rayner

A New Year's Surprise
Written by: Sandra Bondelier

A Private Fireworks Display
Written by: Sandra Bondelier

A Royal Masquerade
Written by: Nicole Richard

A Time For Us
Written by: Sandra Bondelier

Across Midnight
Written by: Sally

After All These Years
Written by: Sandra Bondelier

After The Rain
Written by: Sandra Bondelier

Against All Odds
Written by: Sandra Bondelier

Agony and Ecstasy
Written by: Lexi, Sharon, Susan and Kelly

All I Know
Written by: Tarin

All This Time
Written by: Stacey

An Angel sent from Above
Written by: Sharon Leslie

Angels Among Us
Written by: Jessica Dallow

As If We Never Said Goodbye
Written by: Beth McDonald

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