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Table of Contents
My Webrings
My Awards


I will fly through the air as the dove. Soaring through clouds. Alighting on tree tops. Gliding in the wind.

I will run through the forest as the unicorn. A mythical beast, hiding from the unknowing, the uncaring, the uninitiated. I will choose who I bless with my presence. Giving magick to those who are worthy.

I will sleep in the sweet underbrush as the deer. I will awaken each morn with the smell of the earth, and the kiss of the sun. I will greet each day with gladness, eating of the sweet new grass, and the fresh berries.

I will walk the nights as the bear. I will follow the moonlit paths, marking the trees with my claws as I pass. I will stand on my hind legs and roar at the Moon. A greeting to Her beauty and Her fullness.

I will be free.

I will express my true nature.

I will be what I am---

A Witch.

This is my Sisters Of The Golden Moon Logo. It is a wonderful, women only orginization, and I am very proud to be a member.

*Follow the unicorn through the forest to navigate my site.

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