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Write down on a small piece of paper,th e name of the person, and say:

My wish is no more,

This person is free,

Undo this spell,

Without hurting thee.

Then throw the note into the fire.


Demons and evil spirits could be forced to leave a person alone, if the following spell was written on parchment or paper, and kept on the person at all times:







*To make an empowered altar mat:

Begin with 7 purple, and 13 white strips of cloth, that have been cut 1 to 1 1/2 inches wide and 7 inches long.

Weave the strips together-over,and under, in a basket weave. 13 going left to right, and 7 top to bottom.

While you are weaving, say:

"weave the cloth, weave it well, all the while, I weave my spell, wrought with magick that I impart, weave the power with my art"

The finished mat can become part of your altar or can make an effective covering for one of your magickal tools.


Fill your bath at night and open the window so that the moons rays will come in and fall on you while you bathe.

Place myrtle leaves,elderberries,genetian, and orange lowers into the bath. Wash completly in bath and say aloud:

Oh, as I declare

Cleaning and despair

I call on you, oh Goddess of the moon

Clean me and remove all despair

as I worship you.

Do this for 3 nights, and all jinxs and hexes will be gone. To empower it more, as you are drying yourself,repeat these words:

"If you believe it it shall be"



5 drops of patchouli oil 3 parts of sandalwood powder to 2 parts myrhh

4 nails of any size

Charge nails and put the ingredients into a small black drawstring bag.

Iron nails diffuse harm and have been used by witches for such purposes since early times. If you can, nail them into the corners of your windows, or door in your room.


Tie together, Basil, mint avory and dill

Thoroughly soak with tap water and sprinkle the kitchen window and sill,shelf and canisters, table and stove the cupboard wall and floor. The crockery, cutlery, napery all... with a few drops of the stalk, delicious and pure.

Then crush the bouquet in both hands, breathe its scent and whisper this spell:

Sweeten the oven

Sweeten the pot

And sweeten the hot

Summon thy virtues

Into this place

To teach me patience and skill and grace

You can make a strengthening tea from the leaves, and keep your kitchen well.


Place in a small bowl upon a table, 2 packs of sesame seeds. Into this hide a citrine and a red jasper crystal.

Every month on the same date, replace the seeds.


First,in order to strengthen your senses,you must know all of them:

SIGHT:To see with your eyes

SMELL:To breathe a scent

TASTE:To feel a food or drink with your tongue. i.e. To taste

TOUCH:To feel with the hand or other body part.

HEAR:To listen or pick up sound waves with your ears.

PSYCHICNESS:The sense of knowing much information.

The spell is rather easy. All you need is a long skinny stick and to be outside-day or night. Take the stick and write the sense that you want to strengthen in the dirt in front of you.

Then with the stick write the senses that you DO NOT want to strengten in back of you. So you have 1 in front and 5 behind you.

Then to your left,write your first name, on your right, your last name. Sit down and say:

"Light of day,is to see Strengthen the sense before me

Others that are mine

Sit behind.

Then put your hand over the sense in front of you and envision that sense working.

When finished, erase with the bottom of your foot,



*By: Nicola de Pulford

You will need:

A flower blossom, a lght flowing robe or any comfortable clothing,

A pair of sandals or slip-on shoes.

A meadow is an ideal place to do this, but a garden lawn will work. Buy or pick a flower blossom a day before the spell, and keep it safe.

Rise early the next day, and go to the spot you pcked. Remove sandals and savor the velvety touch between your toes. Wash your face and hands in the dew.

Now invoke:

"Embrace me from the break of day,to the setting of the sun,

I thank you air, fire, water, earth, blessed be the one"

If the inclination takes you, remove your robe and let the magick of the deed enfold the whole of your body!

Burning Your Anger

Anger or another negative emotion inside eating you up? Burn it up!

What you need: Candle, Paper, Pencil & Fire-Proof Container.

What to do: Relax as much as you can. Light the candle and place it on a table. Put the heat proof container nearby. It should be large enough to hold a piece of burning paper. Sit at the table and take the piece of paper and pencil in your hand and write a letter about how your feeling.

Write about why you are feeling that way. Pour all your heart and soul into writing this. Be very specific and focus on the feeling while you are writing this letter. If someone/something caused you to feel this way, you may start it out with Dear So-and-So if you so wish.

After you have completed the letter (it can be longer then 1 piece of paper) take it and catch it on fire with the candle. Put it in the heatproof container and gaze into the flames. See all your hurt, anger, sorrow, etc. being burned up by the cleansing flames. Visualize this until there are no longer any flames or glowing embers left. Repeat with 2nd paper if the letter is longer than 1 piece of paper.

Remember to take your time when writing the letter. There is no rush. :) Snuff the candle when finished.

*I wish to dedicate this page to my wonderful friend, and sister in the craft, "Greymist". Without her it wouldn't be here.LoveYaSister!