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The stage is dark. As the lights come up, we see an auctioneer holding up items and selling them.

Alonzo: Lot 663, a poster for the production of “Jinglyball”...

Jellylorum: *offstage* doesn’t he mean Hannibal?

Celestia: Like I said, this is The Spectre of the Jellicles... I didn’t want to risk copyright infringements...

*Tugger raises his hand*

Alonzo: Thank you sir... for eight mice to the Vicomte de Kitty...

Tugger: Huh?

Alonzo: How bad can these names get?

Celestia: *offstage*Just keep going!

Alonzo: Okay... here we have... hey, this isn’t a music box...*holds up TCBY cup*

Celestia: Hey, Mungo, I thought you had all the props...

Mungojerrie: ‘ey, I couldn’t ‘elp it... ‘ow was oi s’posed to carry a great big ol’ music box all the way from Victoria Grove?

Rumpleteazer: You just messed up and got caught...

Mungojerrie: hehe...

Celestia: Never mind...

Tugger: Uh.. sure... I’ll take it...

Alonzo: We start the bidding at ten mice...

Tugger: For a PAPER CUP?

Alonzo: shh... pretend...

Tugger: Highway robbery... oh, all right...

Alonzo: Okay... here we have a chandelier... lot 666...

Tugger: What? There’s no way I’m buying that thing... *starts throwing salt over his shoulder*

Alonzo: AHEM... well, lets see if it works... *flips switch. “Yellow Submarine” begins to play*

Pouncival: Oops, wrong button, hehe... *ominous organ music*

The Jellicle Theatre Company Presents:


Scene I

*The curtain rises on Bombalurina singing a very loud, high aria in a practice for Jinglybal. Skimbleshanks is at a piano, and chorus members behind. Tumblebrutus, Bomb’s mate, watches her in awe. Munku watches with Electra and Etcetera, and Jellylorum, the ballet mistress, stands behind.*

Bombalurina: *holds up a punctured tube of flea treatment* THIS TROPHY FROM OUR SAVIOURS, FROM THE ENSLAVING FORCE OF VETERINARIANS.....*to herself* of all the stupid lines...

Munkustrap: shh... she’ll hear you... uh.. hehe... anyway, I’ve come to show you the new managers. *Etcetera and Electra step forward. Munku looks confused* ... I thought you were supposed to be guys...

Electra: Too bad.

Etcetera: You get us instead! Celestia couldn’t find any more toms...

Alonzo *offstage* they all ran for cover...

Munku: Well, eh... there you have it. Here’s the keys, and don’t let people bring drinks... it ruins the upholstery...

Etcetera: OKAY!!! Listen up people!!! This is OUR theatre now, and we like things spiffy!!! This brown upholstery clashes with the floor runners...

Electra: I can just see it now... hmmm... maybe we should just replace these seats with those funky inflatable chairs...

Bombalurina: Dear Heaviside... Munku should have known better than to let teeny-boppers have power...

Skimble: Shouldn’t we be practicing?

Electra: Oh, right... keep going while I color coordinate these costumes... honestly...

Skimble: Okay, let’s take it from your solo, Bomb...

Bomb: Think of me... think of me fondly... when we’ve said goodbye... remember me... once in a while... please promise me you’ll try... when you find that once again you long... to take your heart...

*a loud crash resounds as a backdrop falls to the stage*

Demeter: (as a ballet dancer) Macavity?

Cassandra: No! The Spectre of the Jellicles!

Tumblebrutus: How cheap...

Bombalurina: I QUIT!!! First I get stuck with these idiotic lines... then I’m being employed by teeny-boppers... I won’t put up with falling scenery!!!

Tumblebrutus: Hey, babe, you’re okay...(to Etcetera) Don’t you care about your leading lady?

Bomb: Thank you...

Etcetera: Huh... Prima Donna...

Pouncival: *from sound booth, in high falsetto* Prrrriiiima Donna...

Bomb: That comes later, you numbskull! Be quiet...

Etcetera: Don’t talk to Pouncie that way...

Bomb: THAT’S IT! You’re on your own... *exits with Tumble*

Etcetera: Oops.

Electra: Great. Now we don’t have a leading lady...

Jemima: Victoria could do it...

Jellylorum: Yes, let her try...

Etcetera: All right...

Victoria: Think of me... think of me fondly...

*there is a long solo number, which I didn’t feel like writing in... we cut to the gala, where Tugger is watching in the audience*

Tugger: Whoah... is that you, Victoria? That’s strange... you don’t look like you did when we were kittens... you didn’t sing like that either...

Victoria: *still singing, reaches high, complicated part* ahahahaha... ahhahahaha... AAAAKKK!!! *falls off the edge of the stage*

Celestia: *offstage* great... *Victoria hobbles in.*

Victoria: THAT’S IT! Owww... I can’t go on...

Celestia: Not again...Where’m I gonna find a replacement?

Victoria: It’s your problem now...*Munku walks through with a cup of coffee*

Celestia: Munku! Munku old pal... have ya seen any of the girls around?

Munku: Nope. Everyone’s out there, or hidin... NO! Everyone’s out there, unless they’re with the crew.

Celestia: Rats... what’m I gonna do? *her eyes light up* hehe... Munku old pal...

Munku: NO. Absolutely not...

Scene II

After The Gala

*so called “Backstage” of the theatre*

Jellylorum: You were wonderful, dear.

Munkustrap: *dripping with sarcasm* Oh, yeah... right... how do I let her talk me into these things?

Jellylorum: Stick to your lines. And you, girls, were a disgrace! *glares at Jemima, Demeter, Cassandra, and Exotica* Practice! Now!

*There is a pause*

Celestia: Misto! Misto, it’s you’re line!

Misto: I’m on strike...

Celestia: Just say the line... please?

Misto: grrr... I’m short... and does that give everyone the right to exploit my vertical inadequacies?

Celestia: But you signed up for it!

Misto: That was before our Christine turned out to be Munku in drag...

Celestia: Grrr... fine! I’ll handle this... *grabs mike*... BRAVI, BRAVI, BRAVISSIMI!!!... if you don’t want to do this, then find a replacement!

Everyone on stage: Misto?

Celestia: Just keep going...

Jemima: (to Munku) Uh.. wow, Munku er... Christine, that was perfect! How did you do it?

Munku: It took a lot of helium...

Celestia: AHEM, get serious!

Munku: Like I’m supposed to be serious while wearing a dress... anyway... it was the Everlasting Cat of Music.... that has no beat to it. Do I have to sing it?

Celestia: argh... never mind.

Munku: *hurriedly* EverlastingCatofMusic... Guide and gaurdian... grant to me your glory...

Jemima: hehehehahaaaa... Ohooohahaha...

Munku: Look, in the mirror!

Gus: I am the great and powerful Firefrofiddle...

Jellylorum: Gus, wrong play, dear... wasn’t Misto supposed to be in this role?

Celestia: He backed out... *calls backstage* MISTO!!!

Misto: What? I was just getting into “The Grapes of Wrath”...

Celestia: You’re replacement is a little addled... you gotta go keep him straight...

Misto: Geez...

Munku: He’s here, even now...

Jemima: It’s okay... don’t be scared... oh, hahaha! You’re wearing high heels!

Munku: Grrr...