It was rainy and stormy on a early January night. The enitre Jellicle tribe was trapped in the Junkyard because the storm was too hard to go home. The kittens all huddled together next to Munksutrap.
That was when there was a loud yowl. The Rum Tum Tugger picked it up instantly and ran out into the storm. Maybe he was stuck-up sometimes, but when he thought someone was hurt, he was first in line to help. Jennyanydots, Jellylorum and Munkustrap followed.
There was another loud yowl. When they reached just outside the Junkyard, there was a queen giving birth! The Rum Tum Tugger got down close. "Do you need help, ma'am?" she nodded with clenched teeth. Thunder crashed. Lightening flashed. Jennyayndots became worried.
"Omi--" Tugger began. "There's puppies in this litter he yelled, because the wind was carrying his voice away. Munksutrap ran closer while Jennyanydots yelled to the mother what to do through the storm.
At last, the last born was a small kitten that was almost all brown. The mother picked up to kittens by the scruff of the neck and dragged them away. Tugger tried to stop her but she disappeared in the darkness. He returned to the litter of kittens--and puppies.
As it turned out, one of the kittens have pollicle genes, and one of the dogs had jellicle genes. They know that the first dog, Annie, was full Pollicle. So they sent her to the Pollicle tribe. Then the second, who had Jellicle in her, Clifford, they sent to the Pollicle Tribe. The only one left was the smallest and youngest, whom they decided to keep.
A week past and they found who her family was. Alonzo, his twin bother Mezona, Mistoffelees, his twin borther Quaxo, Jemima, her twin sister Sillabub, and Boxer. They never told her she was related to dogs.
But she knew she was part dog. And she had some magic. But she also knew she had more family somewhere. And who was her parents? Why'd they dump her and her family in the same place every time she had a litter?
On the same day, at practically the same time, Bombalurina let out a blood-curdling scream. She too, had her third litter of kittens (all the rest of her litters had moved out, one litter became Macavity worshippers). I wouldn't exactly call it a litter, it was only one kitten. Who she named Travisina after her uncle Travis.
Matropolis looked around the full junkyard when her brother Alonzo let her out from the shack. There were cats everywhere bustling about. She wasn't use to this kind of noise, so she sat back and relaxed. She went into meditation. When she was calm again, the noise didn't bother her so much.
She looked around. She didn't know many of these cats. She bumped into a talled male cat. His green eyes glowed at her. She backed off a little. The cat had light brown and black stripes running down his sides. But when they stood there for a moment, she sound the definite brown patch over one eye, and likes the cute face.
"Who are you?" he asked wonderingly.
"I'm Matropolis. I'm kinda new."
"New, huh? I'm Pouncival. We don't care for girly girls. They're too weird for us." Us? she thought.
"I ain't no girly-girl!" she got a little mad. Pouncival looked to her.
"Well in that case, com'on!" Pouncival took the small kitten by the paw down into a basement. Matropolis felt some sort of satisfaction down there. "This is Jonathan James and George...they best friends," Pouncival said, to three similar looking brownish tabbies. "This is Tumblebrutus, my best friend." He was pointing to a cat that looked similar to his except more dark brown spots. "This is our gang. We're troublemakers." Pouncival got a sly grin on his face. "We all got our special talent...what's yours?"
"Mine is--" James began.
"Not you, you numbskull!" Pouncival backhanded him. Matty felt a tingly feeling that she really liked this Pouncival.
"I'll show you," Matropolis said, losing all shyness. Suddenly there was a flash of blue that blew a hole in the. The Toms and Matropolis ducked.
"Awesome!" they all shouted. "What else can you do?" Pouncival inquired.
Matty proudly wagged her tail. All the Toms gasped. "She's a dog!" they shouted. Pouncival stayed calm.
"Big deal! She's still pretty cool." The Toms relaxed and nodded.
After two weeks, Matropolis met Travisina over lunch. They just looked at each other for awhile.
"What's your name?" Travisina asked.
"Matropolis--but my friends call me Matty."
"I'm Travisina. I haven't got any friends. Not yet. The Queens are too weird for me."
"Then you gotta meet my friends!" Matty exclaimed. "Come then!" They walked down to Pouncival's basement. But something peculiar was happening. Pouncival was up against the wall along with his gang and wasn't moving. "Pounce, what's goin' on?" Matty asked.
"Don't move, Matty," Pouncival ordered.
"What's wrong?" Matty asked.
"Macavity's robbing us. In a stick-up."
"And you're afraid of that little sissy?" Matty asked as if it was unbeleivable. Macavity camestorming out of nowhere.
"So now I'm a sissy?" he scowled at Matty.
"You're more than a sissy. Your just a big dork without a girlfriend!" she set Macavity on fire.
"REALLY? How dare you!" he slammed her up against the wall with an invisible force. Travisina stepepd forth. He jumped on macavity's back and kicked until she fell. Macavity was really ticked now. He slashed at her. Then slammed her against the wall as well.
"Travie!" Matty wailed. But she found she couldn't move. What was she going to do? She used her magic force she had (which wasn't much) to push Macavity. He stumbled and lost control and they were let loose from the wall. Travie went after Macavity, and he knocked her out. "YOU JERK!" MAtropolis raced after Macavity.
"Matty! Don't kill yourself for a queen!" James yelled. They had forgotten she was a queen. Matty was knocked out cold next to Travie. Macavity let out an evil laugh.
"Nooooo!" Pouncival wailed. He punched Macavity in the nose. "You stay away!"
"Dumb kittens!" he laughed. One by one he knocked them out. He kept stealing things and then decided he couldn't risk having the kittens tracing his back. So he figured he's kill them. None of them had collars on, so he'd choke them with his bare hands. Just as he reached his paw out to strangle his first victim, someone yelled his name in a familiar accent.
"Macavity!" the tom voice shouted.
"Your kidding!" Macavity snarled sarcastically.
"You leave those kittens alone!" The female voice added.
"My own hench cats--turning on me," Macavity tsked. "Well, I'll kill you too, then. He reached out for the cats. The tom bit his habd with a quick turn. Macavity yowled.
"We don't work for you anymore!" the queen said as she jumped on his back and slashed at his face. "You murderer!" The male joined the female in beating him. When the kittens came to, they surrounded Macavity. The circle closed on the villain. He didn't know what to do. The older teenage cats who had beat the crapt out of him were giving him evil stares and the kittens didn't look too happy either. With a poof of smoke, Macavity disappered in thin air.
Matropolis looked around. Then to the older cats. In the light she could see them better. They were tiger-striped and the female was a little shorter than the other. They looked almost like twins. "Who are you?" she asked.
"I'm Mungojerrie--" the male began.
"And I'm Rumpelteazer!" the female finished. "We're London's most famous pranksters!"
"You used to work for Macavity?" Travie asked.
"We did...but not anymore. We're our own cats now," Mungojerrie said. "When we saw him trying to kill you, we knew something had to be done. And now we must go home."
"Oh you're not going anywhere," the evil voice boomed. "You're going home, alright. In your grave!"