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The Hymn of Arcona: Book One

Rise and Betrayal

From time in memorium, a battle we wage
Between Clans of Swordsmen, Pilot and Sage.
In blood and bodies our successes gaged.
And victory upon victory, like a fine wine we aged.

Once, as like a child, a noble House were we;
Noble in mind, noble in arm, noble in philosophy.
Whence then came a tumult, within CSP,
Our House doors were opened, host of sanctuary.

Dark Jedi of Palatinae, disillusioned by conflicts internal
Parted thus, but found life as "rogue" to edge on the infernal.
Wise Elders of our Father House, plotting a legacy eternal
Made bastion of our lands, and unto the rogues were we paternal.

New allies made we, of the Palatinae Jedi;
So strong was their bond that they did decide:
"Our allegiance to Scholae be damned and defied;
True brothers have we in Arcona; our faith be undenied!"

And with speed our Father House, noble and strong,
Grew in size and power, making richer a rich history already long.
And soon, with volume and zeal was struck the gong:
"A House we stand, but united a Clan!" came the glorious song.

But among the loyal revelers, a rotting faction brewed:
Rogue Jedi of Scholae Palatinae, in jealousy they stewed.
Presently, a defection back to their origins ensued,
And Clan Scholae Palatinae was hollowly renewed.

But as they fled, like cowards, from Coranada Prime,
Their dishonor reached new heights in dishonorable crime.
For, in their retreat, they robbed a treasure most sublime:
The Ayterus Medallion, a nexus of the Force, older than time.

The Ayterus Medallion, golden magnifier of Dark course;
Seven-fold multiplier of our side of the Force.
In untrained hands, thou art a victim of some remorse,
But to the Master, wields he a power of pure and distilled source.

With tails between legs, the Scholae Jedi fled,
But not all escaped without first being struck dead.
Six conflicts I speak now, sure to be read;
Noble Arcona robbed six Palatinae of their treacherous heads:

Obelisk Blazer and Obelisk Morth cornered a pair.
With a leap and a slash, Morth's saber did flare
And cleft one in twain, as then did Blazer dare
To slice the other's belly, a cut no thicker than a hair.

To their ships ran another two, eager to escape their fate.
Into orbit they flew, but followed by Sith hunger, needing sate.
Shotgun and Shark, in their TIEs with the enemy did their sights mate
And with flicks of trigger, explosive retribution did they create.

And of the last two I speak, were felled by the powers of Krath.
Sensing two that remained, Nighthawk and Voranyen released their wrath.
Using the Force, the kind that comes from the Dark path,
They did crush two throats, leaving six bodies, as says the math.

But in the fallout of the fleeing Jedi and Jedi battle
A fact remained that left the entire Clan rattled:
Upon no dead neck was the Ayterus Medal saddled.
To the stars was it lost; and the stars never tattle.

So here the tale of Arcona we begin;
Clan forged in darkness, fire, and the wages of sin.

end, Book One

As told by Jedi Hunter Vassan Rokir

Book Two
Book Three