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Death of a Battlelord

by Tyro Timeros

   Zoprionis stood on the floor on which his old master was training him, in a filthy old house on a backwater planet without any real name.
   Since the death of Exar Kun, his master was the most powerful of all the remaining Sith. Yet they had to flee, due to the the powerful Republic fleet and Jedi who greatly outnumbered them.
   They were with a group of one Master and eight students, and all of them were training hard to fight for and regain the Sith empire. Although none of the students were weak, Zoprionis knew he was easily the best student.
   He was thinking about the right way to rebuild the Sith empire when he suddenly heard glass shatter and the humming of lightsabers being activated. He spun around, and almost wished he hadn’t. To his complete horror he saw about forty Jedi fight their way into the house. He quickly activated his lightsaber and ran into the fight with his fellow Sith and Master.

   Zoprionis’s lightsaber jolted back and forth, parrying blows and striking relentlessly. He wasn’t sure of any details, but he knew that he was all the time fighting at least five Jedi at once.
    It was then that he felt what it was to be a true Battlelord. It meant more than just being a powerful Jedi. It meant that you could completely control all of your emotions and direct them to a single purpose.
   He saw many of his fellow Sith fall and the anger he would have felt manifested itself in the form of power. It allowed him to make a stand where his friends had died. And he was still busy killing Jedi here and there, when he heard a loud bang and realized his worst fears had come true. About fifteen Jedi had killed his Master.
   Suddenly, his entire reality seemed to fall apart. His Master had been his last hope of ever restoring the Sith to their old glory. All his dreams were gone. Suddenly, an intense hatred for everything alive came over Zoprionis. He started to lose control of his Force powers, just as he lost control of his emotions. His out of control powers suddenly made the entire house tremble in an explosion, and then another. And another. He felt his body being ripped apart by the power that seemed to come from within himself.

   Later, when the dust settled, and the smoke cleared, the entire house was gone. No Sith or Jedi survived. All of them died in the most horrible pain because of one out of control Battlelord.
   This would teach an important lesson to all Jedi after him: If you control your emotions, it will give you power, but if you ever allow your emotions to control you it will be your downfall.

   But still the name of Zoprionis is honored as a great fighter, and the rank of Battlelord still exists.