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about three days before a concert i decided to make an orgy shirt. bad idea i kept having to reglue the freakin gems back on....anyway, it was a long ride to the concert for me and my sister because we had no clue where it was. we got there 15 mins. late and orgy was opening act.(not to mention our sucky seats.

well after the concert my sister said we're gonna wait here until they come off the bus. she really was upset because we were there late. the security guards are f*ckin assholes. well they called the police ok call me a baby but i started cryin. my sister sat on the curb w/ my head in her lap. well cryin turned out to be a good thing at the moment because a nice guard asked what was wrong and my sister told him the story and he said wait here. well he was nice for like to seconds because he never came back, but the band about 2hrs. after the show came off the bus. and i went over. there was a crowd around each member (except Amir-he never came off:( thats ok). i had nothing for them to sign (i mean nothing) so i had them sign my pants. and out of a whole 32pic camera four pictures came out. the four i waited 2 hours after the concert for. i really had no time to talk to the band except alittle to bobby, and like an ass i told him how much my friend liked him. he was really nice about it though and said tell her i said hi.(my friend could get there)well thats it but the ride home was funny. me and my sister bought a big slam mountain dew and i think a two hour ride home we had music blasting and we just sang right with it. to make a long story short(i know-too late)we got home at 2am and i had 4hr sleep for school at 6am

E-mail Kelly

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