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Okay, I'll have to try and keep this brief, it's kinda long... Okay, first after the show we all worked on getting our buzz on at the after party. I have pics of that if you want to see them. Then we went to a bar called the Boat Line. We hung out in the back room, and Jay was being flirty and kept kissing me, the only thing is, it ws annoying me! Then the song "Nookie" came on, and he turned to me and said" watch this, do what I do" It was a funny little dance involving touching your crotch, making a symbol of a cookie, and then sticking it up your ass. I went over and was talking with Paige and I had my beer on the table then Ryan came over, and took it. I looked at him and he had two beers in his hand and I asked him "Who's beer is that one huh?", and he said "Well I don't know, why don't you fight me for it?". So, I tried to grab it out of his hand, and we played tug-o-war for a little bit. Then finally, he handed it over and said "Okay you win". By that time, last call was already called and me and Paige ended up sharing it. Paige had turned to talk to someone and since his back was turned to me, I went behind him, spooned him, and started dancing w/ him and smacking his ass!*lol* He giggled and turned his head and said "oooh!". Jay said it was time to go back to the bus, so we went outside and Jay and everyone else was going to take a cab. Paige asked me where my car was and he and some guy they picked up at the bar rode in MY backseat ( I have a pic of that too!). He was a good sport and wore the Burger King crown like I told him to! He told me that he would be my Burger King and we would rule all of Burger Land together! LOL! When we got back to the bus, we went in and I just made myself at home. I headed for the fridge, grabbed a beer,made Paige open it*lol* and sat next to Ryan. Poor Ryan. He was so drunk, that he couldn't sit up straight or see straight. He kept asking me how far away his hand was from his face. I put my legs up on Jay's lap (he was sitting across from me) and Jay laughed and said "Watch this!". He put his foot in Ryan's crotch and said "Kiss my ankle". Ryan put his hands up Jay's pantleg, and kept saying how beautiful his ankle was. LOL! Ryan kept falling on me, so I had to hold him up and I rubbed his head to sleep. He kept waking up, saying it wasn't sleep time yet. LOL! Jay was being pretty goofy himself, and was informing everyone (in a high munchkin voice) that he was "an ugly monkey"!( i think we can all contest that theory!) I had to get up and go to the bathroom, so I went and sat on the pot. In midstream, Amir opened the door and in amazement, we stared at each other for a few seconds. I said "Hi There, you wanna close that door?". And he just said, "Oh god sorry!" LOL! I was the DJ for a little bit, then Jay came in and said "We have to change the pace here". He put in one of his techno CD's. When the song came on, he took his hand and kept flashing it in front of Ryan's face to fuck with him. Ryan jsut kept saying "Dude, stop that, you're scaring me!" LOL! I sat back down next to Ryan and Paige came in from the back (still wearing the Burger King crown) and I told him to sit on my lap and tell me what he wants for Christmas. He sat down for a couple seconds and said "No way, you're not Santa Claus". I got in a car accident earlier that day, so I went and got the grill of my car and brought it on the bus and they said they were going to tie it to the front of their bus. And, this is to clear up any rumours that Jay dosen't eat, we had pizza. Amir took the whole box and put it on his lap and ate it from the box. By this time, it's 5 in the morning and they were suppose to be on the road an hour ago. I went to say goodbye to Jay and I got in a fight with their roadie Jimbo. It was kinda funny because we were both drunk and calling each other names. We made up though. I said goodbye to Jay and he told me how cool he thought I was and said that I'm on the guest list for any show I want. Just to test that theory out, I mentioned the De! troit show and he asked me if I wanted to go, I said yes and he told Chris to put me on the guest list with all access. I went to that show, but that's another story. To end the night, Jay gave me some kisses, and said goodbye and Paige walked us out to my car and said goodbye. So basically, it was a fun wacky night, and I made some friends out of it. I hope you can have the same experience some day.

E-mail Kimberly

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