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Pros, Cons, and Pondering Thoughts

These are a few things I noticed from a quick run through of these videos. I haven't gone thru everything and I still have the entire *N The Mix video to go but anyway...on with the Pros, Cons, & Pondering Thoughts.

I Drive Myself Crazy...

Justin needs some serious Chapstick in this video. However, he does pull off the "I'm-Pathetic-Help-Me" look quite well.

Note: Chris is actually singing SOLO! yay!

The big black guy in bunny ears getting food (my favorite part of the whole video) is actually their body guard. Now how did they con HIM into doing THAT?

Justin's earings are significantly smaller. Hm...this is a good thing. However, that sweater he is wearing when he's on the bleachers with that one chick...that's a bad news sweater, man.

This is just a sorta weird realization: Lance really DOES have great eyebrows!

When JC sings he messes up and mouths something else ("Oh, Yeah.")

May I ask...What's with the Sunflower?

Another question...why when Joey flipps out and leaves the psychiatrist's office, after she grabs hold of his red cape...does she sniff it? It totally looks like she is smelling the cape!

Here We Go

I like how *NSYNC just happens to be the half time act.

One of the *NSYNC team mates misses a shot...but luckily we can't see who it is. Ad I've noticed we can't see who any of the *NSYNC players are when they shoot.

What is with the little hand thing that Justin does toward the end of the video. It's the part right after they show Joey and Lance singing (Lance looks adorable I might add).

God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You

I like how the white makes the guys look like angels.

Lance gets a nice closeup.

I like how Justin says the word "feel" the first time. It's just kind of cute how he does it.

When the couple is dancing, did you notice that the singers on stage are none other than our beloved *NSYNC? Just a thought. That was a nice touch.

Hm. Anyone notice how young the mother seemed to be?? In an attempt to make her "older" they gave her glasses and a bad hairdo.

I Want You Back

Who is the brunette on the bike? I assume she is the girl in the car with JC but she doesn't look like her. I won't comment on the hobbies issue because the *N The Mix video took care of that for me.

Justin's ear ring is bigger than ever. Someone needs to have a talk with that boy.

The hat thing Justin is wearing during pool...that was pretty bad.

And why does he wear the hat sideways during basketball?? WHY?

Chris hasn't lost the braces yet during this video...and the hair...why, Chris, why??

They're in front of the Begal Cafe. Fancy that!

JC's eyes are a scary shade of blue.

As Justin sings "You're the one I want, the one I need." in the middle and Chris and Lance are doing this weird dance move on the side. JC and Joey were probably doing it too but I couldn't see them. It looked really funny.

During pool Chris is choking JC while the others obliviously continue their game.

They all keep switching places in the car.

Lance looks damn good in shades. His hair looks orange in the video, though.

They originally had girl dancers in the video that they took out. Good move. The girls looked skanky!

Music of My Heart

Okay, First of all, what's with Gloria Estefan looking twenty? We all know better.

The video was seriously lacking something...ah, yes. It was Lance close-ups. I'd forgotten a moment there.

And Joey's hair...COULD STOP TRAFFIC!

Chris...we need to talk. Those glasses, good buddy, ain't doin' anything for those hidden sharp looks of yours.

JC--you block the veiw of Lance way too much! Just...leave. complaint here. Oh except that you were hogging the damn spotlight--but hey thats nothing new!

Here are some visitor commentary!:

Did you notice:

How in the end of the video JC is staring down Gloria's shirt. -thanks ASHANDME!

1They show them sidways WAY to much. 2The camera gets so close that the person in front of it is fuzzy 3In the gym it's too dark to really see any of them. 4When they're not to close they're to far away. 5They show way,WAY to much Gloria 6When they are all standing around her, is it just me or is she 2 feet tall? - Thanks Anjel!

Here are some comments from visitors on Videos I have not posted:

hey i was wondering why in the tearing up my heart video the part where they are all sitting around eating pizza why does chris (i think its chris, but someone grabed lances ear.)grab lances ear that looks kinda gay.

- Reenie

In "For The Girl Who Has Everything" Justin sings the 2nd verse but on the cd JC sings it. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........weird.

- KABangel

I think I said that right...oh well. OK there is a point to this letter and here it is.

In the "Tearin Up My Heart" video, during the second verse when Justin says "Let it go..." have you ever noticed that his hands are behind his head, you can only see from his chest up and that there was originally a girl in the bed with him but she got edited out. Hmm... I wonder what she was doing...

Well, I guess that's it chat later! Bye Bye Bye!

Stay *//\\// SYNC!



If you have anything to add to any of the videos I feature...or have your own critique you would like me to post, just email me!I would love to hear what Pros, Cons, & Pondering Thoughts you have!