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Child Protector Story

By an Anonymous Child Protector, written to J. J. Johnson, publisher of Sierra Times,
and published here by permission of the writer.

Sad State of Affairs

Mr. Johnson,

Approximately 16 years ago, my family decided that our child was too precious to turn over to "the system" for educating. In the ensuing years, all 4 our kids have been taught at home by my wife and I. We could see, even then, that this nation was on an unGodly course and that the schools were simply tools of those who would poison our children's minds and render them incapable of thinking for themselves. Teaching situational ethics has contributed greatly to the decline in morality and the loss of our rights to discipline our own children as we see fit.

It is not against the law in our state to spank your child. It is against the law to abuse him/her. As a child abuse investigator who works for the state, I am amazed at the number of people who think that they cannot spank their children. Personally, I feel that if you do not discipline them in some way, that in itself is abuse. I am the only conservative in the entire office (as far as I can tell), and I am appalled by some of the attitudes and practices that I see. I only stay to do what I can for these children as well as their parents. This is a difficult job, at best, but I know that it can be done in a God-honoring fashion.

The school teachers that I know well (and I myself was one at one time) say that they cannot teach for trying to maintain order. There are simply too many children who have lived in an unbridled fashion for too many years and their mold has already been set. The public schools are a complete and utter farce. As you know, outcome based educational tactics have no set standard by which to judge, so naturally, most kids don't make the effort to excel. This also allows those entrusted with our kids' education to set a much lower standard for themselves.

This is a quote from one of Ray Thomas' posts on your site and it is an example of what is frustrating to me about the public school system in America. When he uses the term, "looter", he is referring to the liberals [power seekers -RT] among us (which, by the way, control the public schools).

"No Accountability: Should we allow the looters to eliminate the very concept of accountability so they can never be judged as to the results of their many failed programs? Their insistence that there are no absolutes and that everything is relative guarantees this --- if we buy it. One of the most obvious ploys to accomplish this is Outcome-Based Education. Under this concept, students are never failed, get no grades, and thus cannot be judged as to how much they've learned. Therefore, their teachers can't be judged as to their performance."

I would also like to point out that the mandate, "there are no absolutes" is, in itself, an absolute, thereby rendering the statement itself as contradictory. I don't buy it.

This is only one small slice of the pie that is America. But, make no mistake about it, this is the slice which has been targeted and used to change the social makeup of our once great nation. Hitler knew what our liberal politicians might not be able to change all of the adults, but if you can shape the children, all the "looters" need do is be patient...the next generation will be their own privateered puppets.

My children know American history. We have not taught them the dumbed down, politically correct version of history that is taught in the public schools. We have taught them the whole, ugly truth because we have long feared that we would end up where we very nearly are now.

I am also trained as a minister. The people where I used to attend church cannot see anything wrong with our present regime or those who hope to take over who are from the same camp. Many of them "voted their pocketbooks" and cast a ballot for the democrats. We were ridiculed and labeled as kooks when we tried reasoning with them. As far as we can tell, most of the folks around here are happy as long as they are warm and fuzzy in the expectation that they will continue to be prosperous.

I too, am willing to speak up and show up. I have the willpower and the firepower to be a full participant, but hope that we can proceed with caution.

"We" need to become organized. "We" need a common, well-thought out objective and a carefully considered plan to implement. I fear that anarchy and chaos will begin before this can take place.

Many of "us" await our marching orders or at least a sense of direction in how to be effective and affective with others in our sphere of influence. We visit your page and others to try and determine our parts in this unfolding drama. Please help us know what is right and best.

"It is far better to die on one's feet, than to live on one's knees."

The Samaritan

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The first thing you must do to help in this fight is to keep yourself informed as to things the power seekers don't want you to know.

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