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Information Central: Articles of Enduring Interest

This collection of articles are mostly what I've written on the various subjects I feel are of enduring interest and which ought to be available any time. Some are links from several of my web sites and others are links to articles on other people's sites. Others are reposts with permission. But all are important. The links are posted alphabetically by subject. Since this page will be constantly "under construction," with new articles being added all the time, you should bookmark it and return to it regularly.

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Children and Family Abuse

Brittle Bone Disease as Child Abuse:
One of the things the "child protectors" do in their quest to rip as many children from their homes as possible to further their agenda to control what is taught children without parental interference is to use every means, fair or foul, to impute child abuse to every possible situation. Brittle Bone Disease osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), where children's bones are brittle and prone to breakage, is commonly "diagnosed" by child protection workers as child abuse. This results in the breakup of the family and heartache for all (except the child protector) when it could be refuted by a simple medical test. This information will allow you to demand such a test if you are being accused and you think brittle bone disease might be present.

(The) Child Protector Agenda:
So why do the "child protectors" work so hard to gain control of your children? Is it the money they get from the feds for each child they can rip from their parents? Or the even larger fee they get if they can terminate your parental rights and put your child up for adoption? Are they just mean? Not any of these, although each is a "symptom" of the problem. They have an even more sinister agenda and this report tells you what it is.

Child Protector's Story-Sad State of Affairs:
This is a letter written to J. J. Johnson, publisher of Sierra Times and published here by permission of the writer who wishes to remain anonymous to protect his job. It tells a sad story of what he has seen as an employee of a child protection agency.

Controlling Our Children:
In "The Child Protector Agenda," I explain the reasoning behind the sometimes unreasonable actions of the child protectors. Their goal to control absolutely what is taught our children in school, from the earliest age. This article explains, in detail, the methods they're using, the origin of their plan, and the man responsible for it. They've moved far down the road toward the attainment of their goal using this plan.

Drugs for Killers:
The anti-gun freaks want to use the recent spate of mass killings by teenagers to put more unconstitutional controls on our right to self-defense and to own and carry the means to accomplish it. The power seekers are also using them as a means to gain more control over us by being able to commit sane people on someone's unsupported word and forcibly drug them. This answer to a MSNBC poll notes that ten of the recent teenage killers were already on psychiatric drugs when they went in and started shooting. Gives names and places, and in most cases, the names of the specific drugs they were on at the time they "went berserk." If there was ever a better reason to stop the "social engineers" from doing any more damage, this is it. (There is also a link to this article under "Guns and Self-Defense.")

Family Destruction:
The power seekers want to have a free hand in teaching your children all about collectivism as an ideal. So they're working hard to destroy every last vestige of parental control over the values taught to their children in school. They're using the school authorities and the child protective services to accomplish this with false accusations of child abuse.

Free the Children:
Many people ask me why I'm so opposed to the "Child Protection Services" in this country, even all over the world. Why don't I just leave them alone to do what is a "difficult job?" My answer is that they have perverted this "difficult job" into a scam to use our children as pawns in their game of power. That they are not protecting children as they claim. They are actively abusing them in their supposed attempts to "protect" them and are trying to destroy the rights of the families to make their own decisions about the children they love. Read this report from the "Child Protector Watch" web site and become aware of a problem that you may well have to learn about in the future, the hard way.

Global Child Control:
The local power seekers want to control the values that are taught to your children. So do the global power seekers. The United Nations is also working like a beaver to pass "conventions" that our country will be required to obey in dealing with your children and what they're taught in school.

Our Kids on Ritalin:
Patti Johnson, a member of the Colorado State School Board, has written an article that makes a lot of sense about the tendency to overdiagnose children as being "hyperactive" and drugging them with a dangerous drug to "calm them down." So naturally, her proposal to stop "pressuring" parents to allow their kids to be drugged is misrepresented as being a measure to stop all use of drugs in Attention Deficit Disorder cases. Read this article and see what she is really proposing.

Today's School Teachings:
I've been preaching that the whole child protector scam is for the purpose of gaining total control over what is taught in schools so they can teach collectivism as an ideal. This article takes some of those teachings right from the schoolbooks that are in use and shows graphically what they're teaching our children, even while they don't yet have total control. Look at these examples from "Child Protector Watch" and think about what they'd be teaching if they did have it.

RITALIN: Violence Against Boys:
We've spend trillions of dollars to keep addictive drugs out of the hands of our children. Meanwhile doctors, at the behest of the school authorities and Child Protective Services, are giving prescriptions for a drug that is almost exactly like cocaine and is equally addicting. A drug which has been banned in much of the world because it is so much abused. They give this drug to our children to "calm them down" because they just don't know how to handle children. Schools -- don't know how to handle children so they're making drug addicts of them.

Utah Suit Exposes Child Protector Methods:
A lawyer in Salt Lake City has sued the Department of Children and Family Services for $500 million in a class action suit for hundreds of their victims. This suit exposes the scams and schemes they use to take control of your children for their own purposes.

(The) Wall Street Journal on the Wenatchee Witch Hunt:
Many people still don't believe that the thousands of child sexual abuses alleged in the Wenatchee, Washington "Witch Hunt" occurred mostly in the minds of the Wenatchee "officials" who systematically abused the civil rights of many people to get the "admissions" of guilt and the "convictions" of a few people, most of whom were of low income and even low IQ. It is a fact that a large number of those cases are even now being, or have been reversed and the chief antagonist, policeman Bob Perez, castigated in court for his methods. Now even the "Wall Street Journal" is (finally) getting into the act with this well-researched, if incomplete story.

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