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Copyright © 2000 By Ray Thomas

Adolph Hitler gained total gun control and then proceeded to murder millions of people who had no means to defend themselves against him. And he isn't first, nor will he be the last dictator who achieved total gun control then proceeded to murder hundreds, thousands, even millions of those disarmed people. See the figures below:

Do you begin to see a pattern revealed here? I don't know of a single instance where any government established total gun control, or disarmament of its people where it did not sooner or later go on a killing rampage, killing its citizens in wholesale numbers. In this illustration the governments mentioned killed 56 million people.


In Germany before the Nazis took over, they had what was touted as a "crime wave." So they put in place gun controls that prohibited everybody except certain "authorized persons" (read: "government agents and those favored by them) was prohibited from possessing a gun and those who did had to register them. This was done to "eliminate the crime wave." When the Nazis took over in 1932, one of their first acts (predictably) was to use the lists of gun owners from the previous government's gun control laws to find out who still owned guns. When these permits expired, they were not reissued to anyone who wasn't a party member. Soon, the only people who owned guns were party members and the others were forced to turn in their guns or face prosecution.

Then they embarked upon a mission to "cleanse" the nation of "undesirable" people. Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, etc. They murdered millions of people under the guise of "doing good." They were creating a "master race." Unfortunately, if you didn't fit their description, you were murdered. By the government.

The excuse to force people to give up their guns and to tell the government who still had them (registration) was to eliminate crime. "Do-gooders" wanted to "feel secure" by taking guns away from their neighbors. All they succeeded in doing was to make themselves and their neighbors defenseless when criminals -- both those "honest" criminals who just wanted to rob them and maybe murder them who don't obey laws anyway and the "government criminals" who want to either control or kill them -- came to do them in.

Does all this sound familiar? It does? Is it because that's what is happening even now in this country? You noticed! So why are you allowing the government to take away your guns or make criminals of you for keeping them and not telling them? The first thing a dictator must do is to disarm the people he/she intends to subjugate. Are you going to allow the "dictator wanabees" in this country to disarm you?

You say it can't happen here? Wake up! It is already happening here. Every day we hear more and more stories of police making "commando-style- raids" on the homes of innocent people and killing them out of hand when they object. You say that's wrong? How about Ishmael Mena in Denver, Colorado? All he did was point a gun at police when they stormed into his home while he was asleep (maybe: many people now think they used a "throwaway gun" when they saw their mistake). They literally "filled him full of lead," many shooting him through the door. How about the man the police filled so full of lead in New York that bullets actually "fell out" as they put his body on a stretcher?

How about Ruby Ridge, Idaho, where the police set Randy Weaver up to kill him and missed, killing his wife, who had their infant child in her arms? Or Waco, Texas, where the government killed almost 100 people in a military-style raid with tanks and tear gas than ended up incinerating everybody inside including many small children? A "cult," you say? There are many in the United States who consider the Catholic religion to be a cult. And more who think the same about the Mormons. And about the Jews.

What is a cult, anyway? A group of people who worship in a way that you disapprove of? The definition of a "cult" is very subjective and almost anything can be twisted to be defined as a cult. Will your religion be next? If you let them take your most efficient means of defending yourself against attack, what will you do when they come for you?

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