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Links to Important Information

Accuracy in Media:
Reports on media lies The administration and the news media quake at the mere mention of their name because they've been so successful over the years in exposing media efforts to "spin" the truth into a lie.

(The) Ayn Rand Institute:
All about logic and Objective thinking from the "authorized" web site. Many people think the information on this site is a bit "dogmatic," and, in some cases, may be right. But if read with an open mind, contains much good information.

(The) Cato Institute:
A highly respected Washington think tank from which has come much good information for those who think for themselves and value their freedom.

(The) Chase Law Group, P. C.:
This group may be the largest group of lawyers to practice statewide in California. They're not primarily "pro bono" lawyers, although they may do some pro bono work. They're supposed to be pretty good and have experience in the "child protector" scene.

Clinton's Executive Orders:
Clinton has signed more executive orders than any other president. This is in line with his threat to "rule by executive order if Congress opposes me." Here they are. Do you really think we're going to get rid of him when his term is over? Maybe as president, but what about in other roles?

Congresspersons' Email Addresses:
Email your comments to your congressperson and get a nice form letter in return, written by some obscure clerk who has filed your message under "pro" or "con." You don't get to the congressperson personally, but it you're nice about it, they do tabulate your views.

(More) Congressional email addresses:
Another source which may have more addresses.

(Still more) Congressional Email Addresses:
More Congressional and Senate email addresses. If you find one of these to be better than the others, let me know.

(The) Daily Objectivist:
This is like a daily newspaper about Objectivist philosophy. I have it set as the first thing I see when I get online every day. Sometimes I go online just to read it. It is published by people who are all members of (but not necessarily directly connected with) the "Institute for Objectivist Studies." The IOS is the "Kelley Faction" of Objectivists. Many think that the "Piekoff Faction" as represented by the "Ayn Rand Institute" approach Objectivism from a "cult" or "religious" viewpoint where dissention is not allowed. In many cases this may be true, but not all. But certainly not in the "Kelley Faction." There is good information in both places. The most popular feature here is the "Daily Heroes" section where each day they point out a person whose life is guided by many Objectivist principles, even though they may not necessarily be Objectivists. They are "creators" and "producers" who do not ask others to do for them, and in fact do many things for the benefit of mankind while working for their own betterment.

(The) Daily Outrage:
Every day a new power seeker outrage, and this site tells you all about them, usually while they're just getting started.

(The) Drudge Report:
This site contains all the exposes' that have gotten Drudge in so much trouble, mostly because he was right. It was here that the "Monica Scandal" broke, and for this the media has never forgiven him. They still belittle him, even though he has joined them as a television personality. Contains links to hundreds of media and national columnist web sites. If you want to find a specific column by a specific writer in a specific publication, it's probably here.

Free Republic Forum:
A web site containing a conservative forum, links to many news organizations not found on Drudge's page, and lots more of interest to those interested in individual rights, adherence to the Constitution, and free speech.

(The) Heritage Foundation:
One of the most influential conservative Washington DC think tanks. They're the people responsible for the telling chart in "The Great Looter Social Security Swindle" you can find in "Information Central" where you are shown just how much money the government has swindled you out of using the Social Security scam.

Hillsdale College:
Probably the only college in the U. S. that refuses to accept federal funds and therefore is in charge of its own curriculum. As far as I know they're still "thumbing their noses" at the federal bureaucrats and turning out superior students who go on to be superior human beings by not being taught the "benefits" of collectivism and forced altruism as an ideal.

Institute For Justice:
An alternative to the ACLU for those whose basic rights have been violated or denied by the State

Institute For Objectivist Studies:
This site teaches Objectivist philosophy but not necessarily the "dogmatic" kind. These people don't agree fully with Ayn Rand's total philosophy, but that's OK, neither do I.

House of Representatives Web Site:
All about The House with lots of links to let you research upcoming and past legislation, as well as some other good stuff. But don't fall for the "spin."

Informed self-government information:
An excellent resource for those looking for information the media and the looters would like to keep from you.

Laissez Faire Books:
This company publishes and distributes books about individualism, laissez faire capitalism, Objectivism, Libertarianism, and any other subject of interest to individualists and Objectivists. Lots of valuable links to other good sources of information. To receive their book reviews by email, click the link above.

(The) Library of Congress:
Anything you ever wanted to know about government or just about anything else. It's hard for them to "spin" what you get here because the law doesn't allow if. This information comes directly from the source.

(The) Link Bunker:
A collection of important links that can lead you to much vital information you can use in retaining your freedom.

Objectivist viewpoint:
From yet another perspective. This time from someone who is "out of mainstream Objectivism.

Patriotic Resources:
This is a resource in itself. This site contains links to literally hundreds of sources of information on the many facets of the scams and schemes the power seekers are working on us every day.

Roy's Shootin' and Cookin' Site:
This guy is a personal friend of my brother's, and regularly sits on my brother's front porch drinking foreign beers and discussing politics. The site is mostly (for me) on gun control, but has many excellent recipes for those of you who are interested in the culinary arts. I don't know how good the recipes are because I'm not into cooking. But he is, so they probably are. The information on gun control and other political and philosophical questions is mostly excellent although one or two of the links come from people who are much further right than either of us.

Senate Web Site:
Where they put Senators' web sites and email addresses if they have them.

Smoke and Mirrors:
That's the best name I can think of for this site because it has no title on its "flash page" and the first thing featured is a book by this name by Dan Baum, although this is not his site. This site seems to be mostly about ending the "War on Drugs," although he does have some wider links. It does contain one illustration containing nudity to emphasize the complete lack of consideration government agents have when raiding people, forcing people to stand naked before them. Has a number of esoteric illustrations without explanation. But it has links to much good information.

World Net Daily:
The Number One source for news not "filtered" by the "mainstream" news media's liberal bias. Not "way out there" on the right, either. Just news that the power seekers in our government would rather not let you see. This is a site you should visit every day before you do anything else. Clicking the right link when you get there will let you sign up for free daily email updates on what's in today's edition. Also has links to many other news sources including the "infamous" Drudge Report.

The first thing you must do to help in this fight is to keep yourself informed as to things the power seekers don't want you to know.

To do that, join my "Forced Altruism List" by going to: The Forced Altruism List and following the instructions to get a daily update on what's happening and a place where you can express your own gripes and frustrations by posting them to the entire List.

The THOMA$ REPORT: An email List to let you know each day what we're covering in the THOMA$ REPORT. Every day we send you a short email telling you what we're covering that day and giving you an easy URL to go there and read it, just in case you didn't make a record of it. We don't use your email address for anything else and we don't sell it. It's good to sign up for this List in case Yahoo (GeoCities) ever shuts us down because they don't like our content, or for any other reason. Then we can tell you where we went.

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