The CFB Series

What is the CFB Series? Well, let me explain...

You see, I have always been a real fan of Fan Fiction. I had read almost every type of fanfiction and then on day I came upon Fan Fiction written about music groups.

Yes, music groups. I stumbled upon this amazing subject when looking at web pages about my favourite group, the Backstreet Boys. Now, maybe I was expecting more than I anyone should, but I thought that they would be good. Boy, was I wrong! Don't get me wrong, I eventually found good fan fiction out there, I even wrote my own fan fics about the Backstreet Boys but, like in everything in life, there were some really awful examples too.

While I was reading these stories I would make witty comments (at least I think they are witty) and I realized that there was no way I could let these funny comments not be heard, they were way too good (No, I've never heard of the word modesty)

So, in the tradition of "Mystery Science Theatre", I have taken three characters and written their comments into the story. Why not use the original characters for MST, you ask ? Well, I have never seen the TV show, just read fan fiction so I don't consider myself an expert on the characters so I will not attempt to write characters I don't know, that's just wrong. Anyway, I think everyone will find these funny and amusing, at least I hope they do.

Now, when people write a "Mystery Science Theatre" version of a story, they usually put "MST" in front of the original title of the story to prevent any confusion between their story and the original story. Since I'm not using the MST characters or it's plot, what could I use to make sure that no one out there in cyberspace has the problem of trying to search for my story but only ends up with original? Simple! I devised my own little anagram! It's "CBF". What does it stand for, you ask? Good question. C is for Court, B is for Bob and F is for Fred, my characters in the story.

So, when a story has been CBF-ed, that means that I've had a hand in it! Yeah me!

Anywho, may I remind everyone before they read these stories that these are meant to be funny. Now, I am a huge fan of the BsB but I don't hesitate to make fun of them either. Come one, just because you roast them doesn't mean you like them any less. Just ask my boyfriend. So, if you get offended by jokes about the BsB's sexuality or anything like that, don't read these stories because if you do, you're just going to send me flames telling me I'm not a true BsB fan. I don't have time to read those, okay?

All right, on with the show...

CFB: All The Luck In The World

CFB: Of All These Friends And Lovers

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