Who Holds the Power?


By Greg Lance-Watkins, The Welsh Assembly, UK

This was written in answer to a question from Justin Case. I'm not sure what the question was, but the answer reveals some basic truths. I don't necessarily agree with every word, but I emphatically agree with his contention that it is those who hold the power that make the rules, legal or not.


This is the government that sent so many troops into the tiny island of Belize that the ONLY casualties caused were collateral 'cos there were so many folks there that they kept bumping into each other! This is the government that sent hundreds into battle in Panama to capture one grubby little drug dealer, a drug dealer the American Government had put in place who then got too greedy with his cut. Remember the US Army secret weapon? Rock music at 150 decibels. Half of their troops dropped in the wrong place and then got stuck in the mud!

Yeh -- these clowns could take out an entire Pan Am flight just to protect a top level government scam. Come on! Those at the top of government are mostly 'slime' and it doesn't matter too much which country or what party.

Our Government in Britain sanctioned a bunch of arms manufacturers to make and export huge quantities of arms to Iraq, including the 'Iraqi Super Gun', when sales to Iraq of arms were against all treaties. When this came to light, the guy who arranged the deal mysteriously got dead [chap by the name of Bull as I recall]. That didn't shut the case up and there were so many top government and cronies who, it seems, were making squillions out of the deal that they had to cover it up. (ed. A "squillion" is a British measure for an amount of untraceable cash that is chump change to Turner and Trump, but upon which any one of us could live out our lives in grand fashion.)

So what did they do? Government denied all knowledge, closed down the companies and took the directors to court -- they were quite happy to put loads of people out of work and several of their cronies, the directors, in the slammer for years to cover-up their own gains. They came unstuck -- the directors had done a bit of CYA and proved the government was involved. The case collapsed against the directors, the workers never got their jobs back, and to date there has never been a prosecution of anyone within the government for the Squillions that seems to have vanished in their back pockets!

Yes these clowns WOULD take down a Pan Am plane with passengers to cover-up their scams or further their power plays and protect their money.

This is the government that had Oliver North funding arms in and out of the Lebanon and Cyprus for Contra Guerrillas -- I don't care if it was right or wrong it was illegal, by international law and by US law. How much 'payola' got spread around how many members of the American government to make that little scam fly?

Look at politicians - How much money did Maggie Thatcher have when she came to office in 1979 + how much was her salary=3X how much she had when she left office? NO, I think not. Ted Heath received a direct 'payola' thought to have been =A$335,000 for getting Britain to sign up to the Treaty of Rome and join what is now the EU (doesn't sound much but a: he is a cheap skate and b: it was a lot way back then). And on and on.

How do you get to be President of America? MONEY -- slick deals for blind eyes turned, White Water, Drugs? Off Southern Arkansas air bases, etc. etc. not to mention a trail of bodies like a tear along the dotted line on a Kellogs Packet! (ed. and now, back to the topic and Moammar)

How does the demon get off the hook -- he is only a little man in a not very influential desert state in North Africa. No, he's no saint but remember his people like him and, relative to some of the slime we have at the forefront politics in the great scheme of things, he is a nobody and of no real danger but he paints well as a demon. No, he can't get off the hook so he deals and he squeals and he postures and he deals and when he has run out of dealing space he offers up two sacrificial lambs and deals some more. Well what would you do?

Sorry Pan Am, sorry Lockerbie, sorry to the innocent, but if you think you will get the truth, get real. Join the real world and peek into the mist, mirrors and smoke of the arms trade, the sex business and the drug trade; and then tell me you see NO: CIA/FBI/MI5/MOSSAD/MI6/ Politicians Cosa Nostra / etc./etc.

OPINION: No I do not believe that the two hapless little guys currently on trial on Scottish soil in the Netherland are guilty. I doubt if Libya was anything to do with the bombing. Try looking closer to home and try looking for motives.

JUSTICE: A wonderful thing when the power is in the hands of the decent and the wise. But who holds the power on justice? Politicians and their apparachniks. If you believe they are in the main decent or wise then I guess you haven't seen much of this planet.

I rate the British system of Justice up there with the best in the world -- strangely that seems to be every global European Country, i.e. those who derive their constitution from the British Constitution and found their law on British Common Law, America included. I am involved at the moment in trying to expose a Government cover-up orchestrated by Lord Cullen in his 'Public Enquiry' Report on the killing of a bunch of 5 year olds in a school in Dunblane. It looks increasingly as if I am perfectly justified in asking whether the cover-up was orchestrated to hide the connections of the sicko gunman Thomas Hamilton, who slaughtered the children, and senior Police, current British Cabinet Ministers, Conservative Politicians etc. etc. in pedophile activities.

Do I like Tiny Blur? [Tony Blair -RT] Firstly I have every reason to believe that he colluded in Lord Cullen's cover-up, that he owes his leadership to his knowledge of deviant, illegal behaviour of at least one member of his Cabinet and that he is a strutting clown dancing at the end of his puppet masters' strings. (ed. No WONDER he gets along so well with Clinton! Blair, not Greg.) Britain has from time to time suffered incompetent Governance, sometimes stupid Governance, often corrupt Governance, but I believe that this is the first time in modern history that it has suffered intentionally evil Governance.

I won't go into that now -- sometime, but not now!

That was enough already but blame Justin Case, as he did ask the questions. The great hope we all have is twofold: 1. the political certainty that ALL political careers eventually end in failure. 2. After Hubris comes Nemesis. The anger of the people of Britain when they awake from their apathy, sound bite psychology, and torpor in front of their comfortable TV will be spectacular and awesome to behold. Blair's rise will be as nothing compared with his fall.

Good luck & if I can help you in your efforts in defence of the British peoples and our Nation or the rights and freedoms of any peoples against the EU, NAFTA, WTO etc. please just ask.

The Welsh Assembly,
17 Upper Church Street,
Up the Down Staircase and Around the Bend,
Monmouthshire, Britain.

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