Information Sources

"Sierra Times":
This is one of the top news sites on the Internet today, getting more than a ,million hits per month. I do two features for them: "Cutting Through The Bull," a weekly column and "News Nuggets," a daily news commentary consisting of short items.
"The Ray Thomas Page":
This is my personal site, and the "master site" from which you can access every newsletter or Discussion List I have and subscribe, if you wish, by a single click and following the instructions you'll be given. A major feature of this site is "Information Central," a page where you can access numerous articles of enduring interest. Some I have written, and others are reposted by permission.

The" Forced Altruism Scam":
This is the "parent" web site for this newsletter. It details how the power seekers are using "forced altruism" as a tool to force the producer of new wealth to work for the betterment of moochers who will not work for their own betterment. How they have convinced Americans that "We are our brother's keeper" so that they can take from the producer at the point of a gun and give to the moocher to buy the votes to keep the power seekers in power over the rest of us. There are many links to other information sources there.

The first thing you must do to help in this fight is to keep yourself informed as to things the power seekers don't want you to know.

To do that, join the "Forced Altruism List" by going to: and following the instructions to get a daily update on what's happening and a place where you can express your own gripes and frustrations by posting them to the entire List.

If you like what you see here, you may subscribe to the Announcement List that notifies you when a new issue comes out by going to: and following the instructions.

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