


In case of Cabin Decompression

Here are two definitions for decompression so you can better understand the events that take place during a Cabin Decompression:

  • de-com-pres-sion (dê kom presh'an)= The process of decreasing air pressure from a chamber; adjustment to normal atmospheric pressure.
  • de-com-pres-sion (dê kom presh'an)= To relieve of pressure; to bring a person back to normal air pressure.

A Cabin Decompression can occur in an airplane
explosively due to a tear or hole in the fuselage, or
slowly due to a malfunction of the pressurization system.

  • The Pressurization System maintains the inside the cabin atmosphere at 10,000 feet altitude, so living persons and animals can breath.
Extreme or slight symptoms may be experienced, depending upon the individual and situation.

  • hy-po-xi-a (hî pok sê a)= A condition that results from a deficiency or lack of oxygen available to vital tissues of the body.

General Symptoms during a Cabin Decompression:

  • Fatigue, dizzines, and headache
  • Breathlessness and/or hyperventilation
  • Euphoria, elation and/or overconfidence
  • Poor coordination and impaired motor skills
  • Loss of peripheral vision and/or blurred vision
  • Ear pain
  • Air hunger, apprehension, nausea
  • Hot and Cold flashes
  • Belligerence
  • Numbness, tingling
  • Mental confusion

What to Do

When Cabin Decompression ocur at high altitude due to a depressurization, resulting in outside atmosphere, all oxygen masks should drop automatically.

  • Quickly reach the nearest mask and fallow crew instructions.
  • Remain in oxygen until the crew advises it si safe to discontinue the use of oxygen.
  • Help the person seated next to you don the mask.
  • The captain will descent to 10,000 feet altitude, where it is pssible to breath normally.
  • The airplane will descent, in most cases, in an abrupt angle, therfore, follow crew suggestions to fasten your seatbelt at all times, since a Cabin Decompression or turbulence may ocur ant anytime and without notice.
  • The possibility exists for smoke and/or burning odors to ocur following a Cabin Decompression due to quemically generated oxygen systems in the aircraft.

The airplane will land in the closest airport; as soon as possible following a Cabin Decompression.

Remain calm during the whole event. Knowing the nature of the problem and a few basic measures may avoid getting injured during an unwanted situation like this.

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