


Safety First!

Due to the nature of our job Crew Members often call layover hotels, home. Spending a large amount of our time in hotels around the world has helped us to develop safety awareness and we like to share some Hotel Safety Tips with you.

For your Safety

  • Safeguard your room key.
  • If room key is lost or stolen, report to Front Desk immediately.
  • Lock your door from the inside while occupying the room.
  • Use safety latch or chain.
  • Be sure room door is locked, secure openings to balconies or patios and windows before retiring or leaving the room.
  • Never admit repairmen without checking with management.
  • Never admit persons with unsolicited deliveries.
  • Do not leave valuables in the room. Most Hotels provide deposit boxes, free of charge.
  • Do not reveal Hotel name or room number to strangers.
  • Never discuss plans for staying away from Hotel in front of strangers.
  • Do not leave luggage unattended when checking in/out. Place luggage between the counter and yourself when checking in/out or soliciting information.

In Case of Fire

  • Please Plan Ahead: In case of fire, smoke may reduce visibility. Familiarize yourself with the Hotel.
    • Study emergency route provided in the room.
    • Determine the location of the nearest exits, firealarms and extinguishers.
    • Keep room key readily available.
  • If You Detect a Fire: Try to remain calm.
    • Immediately call hotel operator and/or fire department.
    • Pull alarm station.
    • Alert fellow guests.
    • Go to safe location.
    • Take room key.
  • If Alerted of a Fire:
    • Determine if is safe to vacate by looking through door viewer or opening door slightly with chain or latch on.
  • If Fire or Smoke Conditions are Reasonable:
    • Take your room key in case your exit is compromised.
    • Close door behing you.
    • Walk or crawl to an exit.
    • Do not use elevators!
  • If Conditions Require You to Stay in the Room:
    • For extinguishing and wetting purposes, fill the bathtub with water.
    • Prevent fumes from entering the room through vents and openings and from under the doors by plugging them with wet cloths.
    • Alert hotel operator of your location.
  • If there is Smoke in the Room:
    • Stay low.
    • Hold wet cloth in front of your mouth.
    • Do not break windows, unless necessary-you may cause fire or smoke to enter the room.

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