Copyright © 1999 By Ray Thomas

People have been asking why I am so dead set against the Child Protective Services. Why don't I just let them alone to do a difficult job. The answer to that is, they're not doing the job, and it's not because of me. And they've got everybody convinced they are, while they abuse children themselves, calling it "questioning" or "treatment." I want the Child Protective Services to be able to do the job they're supposed to be doing. They're not doing it, and they're hurting a lot of people in the process. A lot of them are the "little people" who have no defense.

Let me say right here that I don't believe all child protection workers are of the same stripe as I detail below. There are some good people working in this field, and they have to work harder because of what goes on. They're the "heroes" of the piece. I once saw a billboard that carried these words all over its surface: "NEVER HURT A CHILD… NEVER… NEVER… NEVER… NEVER!" I agreed with that then, and I still do. No one hates a true child molester or abuser more than I do. But I question whether many of the "child protectors" do. If they did, they wouldn't abuse children in the name of "protecting" them. If you care about your children read on. Their future might depend on it. You and your children might be the next victims.


Every day, all over this country (and the world, if what I'm getting on the Internet is any example) the power seekers in the government are snatching our children in ever-increasing numbers to sell them for adoption, using false child abuse "reports" as a cover. By creating anonymous "hotlines" and telling people that the "Good Samaritan Laws" prevent legal retribution for their "reports," even if they lie to gain an advantage or just for damned meanness, the "child protectors" have created an atmosphere where anyone, at any time, can destroy people's lives simply by calling one of those hotlines and accusing them of child abuse or worse, child sex abuse. They don't have to offer any proof, and they don't have to face the "accused" in court, as the Constitution prescribes in criminal cases. Their identities are kept completely secret. If a spouse wants to give his/her opponent problems in a contested divorce case, or a landlord wants to beat a tenant in a dispute, or in any other conflict, they just call a child abuse hotline and make a report. It's common advice from lawyers today to make such reports, because it can be done at no cost to the "reporter" and it can completely destroy their opponent, causing them to be easier to beat in court in the original case.

All this is true despite the fact that up to 80% of such reports nationally are "unsustainable." (false), and this is by their own figures. And despite the fact that many, if not most of those "sustained" were only sustained after months, even years of "star-chamber" questioning of small, innocent children who finally tell them what they want to hear just "to make it go away."

The "child protectors" pursue most of their cases as if just the report was proof of guilt, and they pursue them until "the bitter end" and beyond, often keeping the children and working for termination of parental rights even after a full acquittal. This in the complete absence of any proof of wrongdoing, with nothing to go on but the unsupported hot line "report." These children are "questioned" under conditions the police are not allowed to use to get a murder confession. If they used such tactics in murder cases, the "evidence" thus gained would be thrown out. But not in child abuse cases. They make small children "sexually aware" (while maintaining that sexual awareness on the part of a young child is "a sure sign" of sex abuse). They tell them what they want them to say over and over until they finally say it, true or not. Then they go to work to put their parents away.

They "believe the children" implicitly (they even have a bumper-sticker campaign going: "BELIEVE THE CHILDREN") until they say something they don't want to hear, such as: 'no abuse occurred." Then they say "they're in denial." If the children make an accusation, even if it is to retaliate against their parents for making them go to school or for grounding them, they're believed right away. But if they later recant, they're ignored and the case proceeds, usually with no mention of the recantation (which would subject a prosecutor to censure in a criminal case).

The feds and state governments pay the Child Protection Services a fee for every child they can snatch from their families, no matter for how short a time. If they manage to keep them for a long time, they get a monthly fee for each child, which can add up to big bucks. Then if they can "terminate" (parental rights) and put them up for adoption, it's worth thousands more dollars for each adoption.


They say they're "protecting the children," but it is a proven fact that the incidences of abuse, sexual abuse, even death to children while in their care are rising faster every year. Today, children are much more apt to be abused in foster care than at home. They don't keep statistics on how many children are beaten, sexually abused or killed while in the care of the "child protectors" because such figures are not required of them by law (a situation that MUST change).


If you "follow the money," you will see that child abuse "protection" is a billion dollar "cottage industry" with everybody from untrained "welfare to work" people (hired as case workers) to highly paid child protection executives, guardians ad litem, lawyers, both for CPS and for the defense, "counselors" of every stripe, foster parents and the teachers of the mandatory and expensive "parenting" classes dipping into the money trough.

There's a lot of money to be made "protecting" children, and that's just on the "legal" level.

How about corruption? Can anybody say, with a straight face, that many of those who have the authority to say "yea or nay" to an adoption request don't get big bucks "under the table" for some of those approvals? If you can, I've got some oceanfront property in Phoenix I'd like to sell you.


There's a good reason why the power seekers are throwing all this public money around:

More power.

They're creating a collectivist state in which they each hope to have unlimited power over the rest of us "peons." They're almost there. If you don't believe it just start paying attention to some of the laws that take more and more of your rights and money away they're making faster and faster these days. One of the big problems they have is parental opposition when they try and teach collectivist principles to our children. They know, just as Hitler and Stalin and all such dictators knew, that they must get to the children before they're old enough and sufficiently sophisticated to know to reject these discredited principles they're being taught. (And to forestall those who will ignore the other issues and criticize me only for comparing CPS to the Nazis, let me say this: the Nazis are simply the best-known example today of totalitarianism and can be used to illustrate the kind of thinking involved.)

They know they must overcome and reverse the values their parents have taught them and replace those values with the collectivist myth. But all too often parents successfully oppose them. This, they must stop. So they're now working feverishly to destroy the family, family values, morals, and especially parental rights and replace them with governmental edicts. It does not "take a village" to raise a child, even though that's what they want you to think. Before you write me off as a "kook," let me say that I don't think this is one massive conspiracy. Collectivism is a philosophy taught (as much as possible) in schools from kindergarten to college. Today, after several generations of children who have been conditioned to believe in this philosophy have become the teachers, the teaching of collectivism is intensified and thus, is better recognized for what it is by parents.

This philosophy, and the "forced altruism" it has created, will ultimately destroy this nation as a free country if they aren't stopped. They will make "cliché and slogan-spouting automatons" out of your children by the time they reach their teens. If you think I'm nuts, that I don't know what I'm talking about, just start paying attention to what's going on all around you. Don't accept the "pat answers" you get when you question them. Dig deeper and find out what's REALLY going on. It will scare the Hell out of you, as it has me.

I don't want to destroy the "child protectors." I just want them to stop lying, manipulating and abusing (yes, abusing) children. I want them to stop forcing innocent parents to jump through expensive hoops that destroy them financially, physically, and mentally. I want them to be forced to observe the Constitutional rights of all their "clients" in all dealings --- something they routinely ignore with impunity today. In short, they're "out of control" and I want to "rein them in" so they'll have the time, the personnel, and the money to go after the 20% of reports that are real and really start protecting children. They're destroying lots of innocent people without getting that job done.

The information on this site is not legal advice. Before carrying out suggestions found here consult your attorney. To contact me by mail, write to: P. O. Box 16247, Denver, CO 80216-0247

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