This was put together by K. Flanagan and sent me by John A. Quayle, for which I thank them both. One of the things I've been maintaining for a long time now is that the main reason the federal government is financing the child protectors so lavishly with subsidies based on how many children they can take away, keep, and put up for adoption rather than how many they can help while maintaining the family is that their primary goal in this outrage is to teach our children that collectivism as an ideal without opposition from parents. To steal the minds of our children by teaching them values not ours. This article, which gives information taken from current textbooks, proves that point. The comments in square brackets are mine. -Ray Thomas

Gems from Your Child's Textbooks...

When a majority of the children in this country are essentially being taught fascism/socialism, and their parents aren't even aware of it, what are the chances of returning to a constitutional republic? What galls me is that not only are we forced to pay for this compulsory, socialistically funded education, but that we are unwittingly financing our own destruction and sentencing our children to lives of servitude. [Ayn Rand called it: "The sanction of the victim." -RT]

For example: