Hi again...here's "Small Step" Please let me know what you think of it...and yes, there is a sequel, I'm only part way done though. I love torture...lol.

Rated R for some graphic content....viloence that is.

Disclaimer: I don't own seaQuest and I'm not making any kind of money off of this....although I wish I was. The people that are making money off this (or they were till they screwed it up.....) are Amblin Entertainment and I think NBC. But I think the Sci-Fi Channel bought the rights to it from NBC, so I don't know. All I know is that it belongs to a bunch of corporate types I can't remember right now.

Rated: R for language and graphic violence



-- The seaQuest sliced through the water at top speed, hurrying towards New Cape Quest and some much needed shore leave for the crew. While the sQ was being refitted with some new equipment the entire crew had been given leave for the ten days it would take to install it. You couldn't go ten feet without hearing someone talk about what they had planned for the unexpected vacation. A general air of happiness was felt throughout the entire ship..... except for one place. One crew member was definitely not happy about the shore leave coming up, not happy at all.....


Loud, angry sounding music could be heard coming from behind the door of "Mammal Engineering", and the crew knew better than to disturb the occupant . When he was in a mood he had been known to send people into screaming rages because of his stubbornness . A lot of the time these moods were caused by a problem with his vocorder project or a computer problem he was having trouble with, but all his experiments had been going great lately and nobody could figure out what had set him off. Granted, he was not always the easiest person to deal with, but he was not usually as obnoxious as he had been the last week. Most of the crew just shook their heads and chalked it up to teenage moodswings.

Lucas Wolenczak slammed his laptop closed and cursed under his breath. Leaning back in his chair he glanced at the clock and sighed. "Only a couple of hours left." he thought resignedly. The seaQuest would reach New Cape Quest in a couple of hours and shore leave would officially begin. Normally, he looked forward to shore leave, he usually couldn't wait to get off the boat for a while and look around, but this time it was different. His parents seemed to have forgotten he even existed. He'd called to tell them the seaQuest would be docked in New Cape Quest and they'd both made some lame excuse about having to be "somewhere else and couldn't your mother/father watch you while you're in town".

He sighed. They'd both hung up before he could explain that the other one was busy. His father hadn't even bothered to come to the vid screen the second time he'd called. He'd had his secretary run interference for him. His mother hadn't been any better. She'd yelled at him to leave her alone and go "bug your father" because she was busy.

So here he was: fifteen years-old, on shore leave with nowhere to go. Both parents were out of town and their houses were locked up tight. Sure he could hack both of the security systems easily, but he knew he'd just get into deep trouble with them. Even if he eventually got the chance to explain, he knew they'd both just blame him for not making it clearer earlier and he'd get into even more trouble. It just wasn't worth it to him to bother. All he'd get in return was a week or so in a cold, empty house with only his computer and the TV for company.

At least he wouldn't have to be alone with either parent. His mother was not known for being a loving mother, she could be downright hateful when you came right down to it. And his dad....well, he didn't want to think about him at the moment.

Unfortunately, hotels were not known for renting rooms to kids and besides none of them would have any room anyway. "Just my luck to be homeless the same week the playoffs are in town." He thought grumpily. "The Y will probably be full too. Park bench here I come." He sighed again and heaved himself out of the chair to begin packing muttering about the lousy way his parents always acted. This was just another crappy deal in the already long list of crappy deals his parents saw fit to send him. He stomped around the cluttered room, shoving things into a bag and muttering under his breath. He didn't even notice the door to his quarters opening and the person walking into the room until he walked right into him.

"Oooofff" he gasped as he slammed into the unexpected intruder. Captain Nathan Hale Bridger reached out and grasped Lucas' shoulders to steady him.

"Whoa there," he laughed, "you'd better watch where your going Lucas." Lucas stepped out of the captain's grasp and continued stomping around the room.

"Well, I wasn't exactly expecting someone to be there." He said rudely. "Maybe you should watch where you're going." Luckily, Bridger hadn't heard him because the music was still set to an insanely high level. He walked over and turned off Lucas' stereo. The sudden silence that descended was deafening. "There," Nathan said. "Now maybe we'll be able to talk without having to scream at each other." Lucas continued to stomp around the room, completely ignoring the captain, hoping like anything he'd go away. That's why the music had been on; it usually kept everyone away when he didn't want to talk. However the Captain didn't appear like he was leaving anytime soon.

Nathan sat down on Lucas' bunk and watched the boy as he continued to storm around the room. It didn't take a genius to figure out that something was bothering him, but from past experience he knew it wasn't wise to just come right out and ask what was wrong. All he would get would be a withering look and a curt "I"m fine". Lucas wasn't the type of person to spill his guts, even to someone he almost trusted.

"So," Nathan said trying to break the tension, "what are you going to do on shore leave?" Lucas whirled around and glared at him before going back to packing.

"Nothing." he said sullenly. "Why do you care?" Nathan raised his eyebrows at Lucas' tone and resisted the urge to call him on it.

"Hey, I was just wondering. You don't need to be so defensive you know." Lucas continued to stomp, taking his aggresion out on the floor. "If you don't want to tell me you don't have to," he continued, "but I'd like to know where your going to be, in case I need to get ahold of you an-". Nathan stopped as he heard Lucas gasp and saw his shoulder's flinch slightly.

'Oh God don't let him find out!' Lucas thought. The last thing he needed was the Captain finding out about this! It was hard enough knowing everyone felt sorry for him for being dumped on the seaQuest; if people found out about this he knew, he just knew they'd overreact. So his parents didn't give a crap about him! So what! He didn't need them, he hadn't for a very long time. He didn't need any other adult either! So they could all just.... go jump in the moonpool for all he cared! But they'd never leave him alone if they knew about this.

"What's wrong?" Nathan asked worriedly. Lucas snapped out of it and continued to shove things into his bag, but not with the same fervor he had been using.

"Nothing, I'm fine." he answered tonelessly. He paused when he heard a movement behind him. Nathan grasped Lucas' shoulders and turned him aroung gently.

"I don't think so Lucas. What's wrong?" he repeated. Lucas looked at him and hurriedly averted his eyes, but not before Nathan had seen the fear lurking in them. He cupped the boy's cheek gently and made him look up. Abject misery and fear poured from his deep blue eyes as they started to well up with tears. Lucas pulled away before they could spill.

"Don't touch me!" he yelled fairly jumping away from the captain's reach. Nathan looked at him surprised and opened his mouth to speak, but Lucas cut him off. "Please just get outta here!" he pleaded tearfully, turning his back before Nathan could see the tears start to fall. He heard a movement behind him and flinched, going rigid when he felt the captain touch his shoulders. He tried to tear himself away, but this time Nathan was prepared and gripped his shoulders tighter, turning him around to face him. He forced him to look up and Nathan saw the tears pouring down his cheeks. Lucas didn't even try to wipe them away.

"Come on kiddo, you can tell me." Nathan said reverting to his nickname for Lucas. Lucas closed his eyes and shook his head. He couldn't let another adult in, they just ended up hurting him. Besides, what would the captain think when he found out that his own parents didn't even want him?That they didn't seem to care if he lived or died. How could anyone like him if his own parents couldn't stand the sight of him?

"Lucas..." Nathan paused. He could see that Lucas was trying hard to control himself, to stop himself from losing it right then and there. His heart twisted in his chest when more tears slipped out from under Lucas' eyelids. He sighed and pulled the protesting boy into a hug. Lucas beat his fists against his chest and tried to pull away, but Nathan just held on tighter, refusing to let him go, until Lucas finally gave in.

He collapsed against the captain, burying his face into his shoulder and sobbing. He clung to the captain like a lifeline,hoping like anything that he wasn't making a mistake, that this adult wouldn't hurt him like so many others had.

Nathan held the sobbing boy, gently sroking his soft hair and rocking him slightly; simply letting him cry it out as if he somehow sensed what the boy needed.

"It's all right," he whispered comfortingly, repeating it over and over until Lucas' sobs started to subside. Nathan led him over to the bunk and sat down, Lucas leaning against his shoulder, his thin body still shuddering as he fought to regain control of himself. Nathan placed an arm aroung his shoulders as Lucas tiredly laid his head against his shoulder.

"Now," Nathan said softly, "why don't you tell what's wrong. I'll help you anyway I can." Lucas shook his head mutely, so afraid to trust anyone with this. Nathan squeezed his shoulders gently, trying to comfort him. "C'mon kiddo, I can't help you unless you tell me what's going on." Lucas sighed tiredly. He wanted to tell, to unburden himself, but he was having a hard time breaking through the walls he'd built a long time ago.

They sat in silence for a long time, Nathan just holding him, never pressuring him into anything. Finally Lucas couldn't handle it anymore and he blurted out the whole story quickly, before Nathan could stop him, leaving nothing out. The words poured out of his mouth and with them came all of the anger and rage he felt toward his parents. Emotions he'd never let anyone see besides himself for a long time.

".....why'd they even have me if they didn't want me in the first place?!" he finished angrily. Nathan just shook his head, amazed that anyone could be this callous with their own child. They had dumped him on the seaQuest and subsinctly washed their hands of him. Poor Lucas. To grow up in a household that devoid of love... it was a wonder he wasn't more withdrawn than he was! It also made him wonder what else had gone on in that house, this was a horrible thing to do to your own child, but Nathan didn't think this kind of anger would come just from this.

Pushing those thoughts aside he squeezed Lucas against him and said: "Well I can take care of some of this." Lucas looked up at him cautiously, not willing to trust him quite yet. Nathan wanted to kick his parents' teeth in for instilling such a mistrust of everyone into this boy, for making it so hard for him to reach out to anybody. What a pair!

" I was planning on dropping in on my island for the week, why don't you come with me?" he looked down at Lucas and was shocked by the anger in his eyes. Lucas pulled away from him and stood up. "No thank you sir." he said stiffly not looking at him. "I'm not a charity case." He walked over to his duffel bag and began to pack again, this time more resigned to his fate instead of angry about it. A hand over his stopped him from zipping it up and he looked up to see the captain looking at him with a slight frown on his face.

"What do you mean "Charity case"? I never thought of you that way Lucas. I want you to come. I'd love to have you. To tell you the truth, it gets a little boring on the island by myself." Lucas just stared at him with disbelieving eyes before pulling away and, finishing with his bag, walked over and set it by the door. Without turning around he whispered:

"You don't need to say that. I know I'm just a burden to everyone. Hell, I know the only reason people put up with me is because of the computer stuff, if I wasn't good with it my parents probably would of gotten rid of me alot sooner than they did. But I don't need them, and I don't need you pretending you like me, so please just...", Lucas' voice broke a little, "just go away." Nathan's heart broke at the defeat he heard in the boy's voice. He longed to take him in his arms and comfort him, to take away the parts of his life that had brought him to this, but he knew Lucas would just pull away from him. 'Damn his parents!', he thought raging against the two that had hurt Lucas like this. 'He doesn't even believe it's possible for people to like him as anything more than a computer genius. All because they couldn't be bothered to show him any kind of love or affection. Some people just shouldn't be aloud to have kids!' Lucas was one of the sweetest children he'd ever met.

The few that Lucas had let behind his sarcastic facade (mostly members of the seaQuest crew), thought he was great. Hell, Nathan outright adored the kid! Krieg had taken to him like he was a little brother, much to Nathan and Dr. Westphalen's chagrin. Even though he could be annoying at times, the bridge crew would've have gone on record to say that he was truly an exceptional person. It hurt to think that all this time Lucas had believed that they only put up with him because of his computer skills, as most of the adults in his world had. If only he could see how much everyone truly cared for him!

Nathan walked over to the stiffly standing boy and ,taking ahold of his shoulders again, turned him around to face him. Tilting his face up Nathan could see the tears that were welling up in his eyes. Tears that he refused to shed, summoning up all the control he had learned to use over the years so that nobody could see that they'd hurt him, so that nobody could use that knowledge to hurt him. Nathan sighed.

"Lucas," he began. "We don't "put up" with you because of your computer skills. We "put up" with you because we like you. I'm not pretending, I would never disrespect you by lying to you that way. I would really like it if you'd come with me for shore leave. And I'm not going to "go away", so you can just forget about that idea right now." Lucas looked up at him, mistrust still gleaming from his eyes, not sure what to make of this. Nobody'd ever treated him like this before and he didn't know how to deal with it. Nathan thought a moment before saying:

"I could make that a direct order Lucas." Lucas made a face.

"I'm not in the navy so technically I wouldn't have to follow your "direct order"." he said. Nathan gave him a look of his own.

"Your right, your not in the navy. Technically though, I'm in charge of you, so that means you have to listen to me and-", he held up his hand to forstall Lucas' comment. "..and that means you have to do what I say. So tell me," he said staring Lucas straight in the eye, " do I have to go get Crocker and have him drag you to the shuttle, or are you going to come quietly?" Lucas looked at him for a minute, not sure if he was joking, but the captain showed no signs that this was a joke. The look he gave Lucas said that he fully intended to carry out his threat if the boy didn't give in. Lucas sighed resignedly.

"Okay sir, you win. I'll come with you." he mumbled unable to look at the captain as he said this. "Good, I'll meet you at the launch bay in 45 minutes, and don't be late or I'll send Crocker to find you." Lucas nodded looking at the floor. Nathan exited his room and walked down the corridor, a small, pleased smile creasing his face.

. Exactly 45 minutes later, Lucas walked into the launch bay and headed over to where the captain was standing....with Chief Crocker. He set his bag down at his feet and looked at the captain. "Well here I am, you can send the hounds away now." he said snidely, instantly retreating behind his wall of sarcasm. Nathan gave him an exasperated look while Crocker simply looked confused.

"Just go put your bag in the shuttle okay? I'll be there in a second." Lucas rolled his eyes and walked to the ladder leading down into the shuttle. After dropping his bag down and securing his precious laptop to his chest he began to climb down, pausing to give the captain a look before climbing the rest of the way down. The two men watched until his head had disappeared from view.

"What was that about Cap?" Crocker said, still looking confused. Nathan shook his head. "Nothing Chief, just a little talk we had earlier." Crocker nodded his head slowly and they returned to their conversation. Finally Nathan looked at his watch, and, wishing the Chief a good shore leave, headed down into the launch.

After checking in with the pilot and giving him the all clear, Nathan walked to the back of the shuttle and sat beside Lucas. Looking over, he was surprised to see that the boy was asleep, squished up into the corner, his head leaning back against the seat. Nathan smiled and just watched him, thinking about how innocent and peaceful he looked when he was sleeping, without that wary look he seemed to wear during his every waking moment.


-- "Hey," Nathan said gently, shaking Lucas lightly on the shoulder. "Wake up, were here." Lucas slowly opened his eyes, confused by his surroundings until the captain's word began to register on his sleep addled mind."Huh...uh..okay," he said tiredly. The captain laughed and got up to get their bags out of the cargo area. When he returned Lucas was sitting more or less erect and his eyes were alert. Wordlessly the captain opened the lock and they climbed into the access tube that led up to the ferry launch that would take them the rest of the way to the island.

Stepping out into the bright sunlight, Lucas squinted his eyes trying to get his bearings. Nathan came up behind him and, handing him his bag, led him over to the boat launch. After paying the "taxi" driver, they settled into the front of the small boat and held on as the he headed out to sea at full throttle. Lucas looked at Nathan with wide eyes. a little shocked at how fast (and eratically) the pilot was driving. Nathan laughed.

"Don't worry, it's only about ten minutes away. We'll be off of here soon, and, just for the record, Stanley's never crashed.", he said refering back to the driver. Lucas simply looked at him with a "yeah right" expression on his face and simply gripped the seat tighter as the boat made a sharp turn. True to the captain's word though, they reached the island ten minutes later, and hurriedly off loaded onto the dock. Nathan waved good-bye to Stanley and turned around to lead Lucas into the house. Lucas had already reached the end of the dock and was standing on the sand looking around at his surroundings.

"Nice isn't it?" Nathan said coming up behind him. Lucas jumped and looked at the captain, surprised by his silent approach. He nodded noncomittally and followed as Nathan led the way to the house.

The door squeaked as Nathan pushed it open and they stepped through into the dim interior. Nathan walked around the room, opening up the blinds and letting the sunshine stream in through the windows. Lucas looked around taking in the comfortable furniture and the pictures on the walls. The room had a well lived in, homey quality and he relaxed unconciously as he soaked in the atmosphere. Finishing up Nathan walked over to the boy.

"Come on," he said gesturing towards the stairs, "I'll show you your room." Lucas nodded slowly following the captain up the stairs and into a room at the end of the hallway on the left. Walking in he took in the colorful hook rug on the well-cared for but slightly dusty hardwood floor. A large window looked over the ocean and Nathan opened it to let the fresh sea air breeze into the room. An obviously ancient but much-loved patchwork quilt covered the single bed by the window. A smallish, natural wood dresser was on the wall opposite the bed and right beside it was a much worked upon desk and chair. Small, hand-painted pictures of the sea covered the eggshell white walls and when he stepped closer to one of them, Lucas could see the name "Carol Bridger" written in the corner. The entire room had the same homey, lived in quality of the room downstairs and Lucas felt himself relaxing even more, letting his walls down slightly. "Yeah, it's.....nice.", he said slowly, as if he was having trouble finding the right words. Nathan smiled.

"I'll meet you downstairs in half -an-hour for lunch. Why don't you unpack and explore the island a little." Lucas nodded and, placing his bag on the bed began to unpack. Nathan left him and headed toward his own unpacking, feeling more at peace than he had in awhile.


Lucas walked to the edge of the dock and sat down, gazing out at the ocean. He'd finished unpacking and was taking the captain's advice about exploring the island. Looking out to sea he didn't notice the gray shape swimming toward him until it had jumped out of the water and splashed down again, completely soaking him. Sputtering he jumped up and looking around found the culprit grinning at him from the water. "Darwin!" he yelled, laughing. The dolphin looked at him and chortled with his high pitched dolphin laughter. "You did that on purpose didn't you!?!" The dolphin looked at him and laughed again, nodding his head. "I'll get you for that!" he yelled, stripping off his shirt and shoes and jumping into the water.

He reached for Darwin who dodged him, laughing his dolphin laugh. The game quickly dissolved into a game of tag, Lucas usually being "it" since Darwin was usually to swift for him to catch. Catching ahold of the dolphin, Lucas grabbed onto his Dorsal fin and Darwin towed him around the small bay. Laughing the boy held on tightly as the dolphin ducked under water taking him with him. They surfaced at the dock and Lucas grabbed hold of it's edge letting go of the dolphin. Darwin chattered at the occupant standing on the dock.

"Hi to you too pal." Nathan laughed. He'd been standing on the dock watching them play for the last ten minutes, enjoying the sight. Darwin always seemed to have a calming effect on Lucas, showing up usually right when the boy needed it, now being no exception. "I should have known you'd find us." Darwin laughed and swam around in a circle before coming back to the dock and splashing with his tail. He chattered at the captain again.

"I think he wants you to play too." Lucas laughed up at the captain. Darwin nodded his head, as if agreeing with him. Nathan chuckled again, kicking his shoes off.

"You're probably right.", he answered, taking his shirt off. He leapt into the water and landed right next to Darwin who promptly splashed him and ducked under the water. He came up behind the captain, bumping into his bum. Nathan spun around in the water and tried to grab the dolphin but he just ducked underwater again. Lucas laughed at the spectacle and Nathan's heart lifted with the sound. It had been awhile since he'd heard that particular laugh. The laugh that said: "I'm just having funand being a kid and I've forgotten about all of my problems for awhile". He only seemed to have that particular laugh when he was playing with Darwin or so completely enmeshed in a project that the outside world seemed to retreat for a short time.

They stayed in the water for awhile longer until Nathan looked over and noticed Lucas looking slightly pink.

"We'd better get inside, before we start to burn kiddo.", he said. He'd forgotten that their skin hadn't been this exposed to sunlight for awhile and it would take a little time before their natural resistors kicked in and they started to tan. Lucas looked at his arms startled and nodded slowly.

"Your right, I don't want to end up looking and feeling like a cooked lobster." Nathan laughed at the image that evoked, and they started headind toward the dock.

"Don't worry Darwin." Nathan said looking down at the dolphin once they's reached the dock, "we'll come out and play with you again soon." The dolphin nodded like he understood and swam off, probably looking for fish for his dinner. Lucas' stomach growled startling him and Nathan laughed. "We'd better get inb and dry off. We stayed out so long that it's almost time for dinner." Lucas grinned and nodded, picking up his shirt and shoes and heading toward the house. Nathan followed after him. "Just lay your wet clothes over the railing on the deck when you've finished changing. I'll get dinner going."

"Okay," Lucas answered dripping on the floor as he headed up to his room to change.


After changing and putting his wet shorts out on the deck ,he followed his nose to the kitchen where the captain had already started cooking the fish he'd brought with them from the mainland. A friend had come out and stocked the fridge for him a day or so before he arrived so there was plenty of food, even with the extra guest."Smells good." Lucas said walking into the kitchen. "What is it?"

"Fish" Nathan answered. He walked over to the cabinet and took down two plates. He walked over and handed them to Lucas who looked at them confusedly. "The silverware's in that drawer", he said pointing. "I think it's warm enough to eat out on the deck don't you?" Lucas rolled his eyes as understanding set in and he went out to set the table. Nathan grinned at his reaction and returned to cooking the fish.


"......so anyway, that's how I met Carol," Nathan finished. Lucas was laughing so hard at the story that tears were pouring down his cheeks. Nathan couldn't help but laugh too when he thought about his wife and their first encounter.

"She...she...actually dumped the whole drink down your back!?!" Lucas howled with laughter at the thought of somebody...anybody...doing that to the captain! Nathan nodded and laughed.

"Yup, and it was love from then on.", he said. Lucas just sat back in his chair and laughed. They'd finished dinner over an hour ago but they'd decided to stay outside since it was so nice out. Slowly, Lucas' laughter died down and they just sat and looked out at the ocean. Nathan yawned and looked over at his young charge.

He was unsurprised to find him asleep. He'd drawn his feet up onto the chair and wrapped his arms around his legs, laying his head onto his knees. The captain got up slowly from his chair and, walking over to the boy, gently picked him up. Lucas stiffened in his arms and then slowly relaxed, snuggling into him and laying his head against his shoulder.

Nathan smiled and carried him upstairs, depositing him gently onto the bed. Slowly, so as not to wake him up, he removed his shoes and pulled the covers up over him. He lightly brushed the boy's hair away from his face and whispered: "good night kiddo", before tiptoeing to the door and turning off the light. Leaving the door slightly ajar he walked downstairs to begin cleaning up the meal.


- The next morning Lucas awoke to the sound of the ocean lapping against the sand and a bird warbling a cheerful song across the morning sky. He looked around himself, trying to get his bearings, still to asleep to remember where he was. The smell of bacon frying wafted up the stairs to him and he smiled, remembering where he was.

"This is definitely better than a park bench", he thought to himself as he got up and pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He left the room and walked slowly down the stairs, following the smell to the kitchen where the captain was standing at the stove, dodging splattering grease from the skillet. He looked up when Lucas walked through the door.

"Morning sleepy head.", he said laughing. Lucas looked at him confused until he gestured toward the clock which read 10:34am. "I thought you were going to sleep all day." Lucas grinned sheepishly and walked over to the fridge to grab some juice.

"Doesn't seem like you've been up very long either," he said gesturing toward the frying bacon. Nathan waggled the spatula at him.

"I've been waiting for you," he answered. "I figured the only way to wake you up was to send a wake-up call to your stomach!" He laughed again and this time Lucas joined in. "The plates are up there." Nathan said, pointing. Lucas rolled his eyes at his not so subtle hint, but grabbed a couple plates and headed out to the deck with them. Nathan smiled and went back to the serious busines of frying bacon.


"Not like that Darwin!" Lucas yelled laughing. The dolphin had just sprayed him for what seemed the millionth time that day. It was mid-afternoon, and he'd been working with Darwin for the last few hours, trying to redefine a few of the hand signals since they didn't have the vocorder handy. Darwin slammed his tail down again,drenching the boy. "Darwin!".....Nathan looked up from the vidphone, laughing at the spectacle on the dock. He ducked his head back down to continue his conversation, still chortling slightly.

"Well it sounds like your having a good time Nathan." Bill Noyce said, taking in his friend's laughter. "What's so funny?", he asked, wanting to be let in on the joke. Nathan shook his head still laughing.

"Nothing. Lucas is just working with Darwin, although it seems Darwin's got other plans.", he laughed again as the dolphin leapt up and doused the boy, who by that time was completely soaked so it didn't really do that much damage.

"The Wolenczak kid's staying with you for leave huh.....Where're his parents?" A dark cloud crossed over Nathan's face as he looked over at the boy again. He sighed.

"Don't get me started on his parents Bill.", he said quietly. Noyce looked slightly taken aback. "It's not a subject I want to get into right now. It would ruin the afternoon." Noyce nodded slowly.

"Okay....but I would like to know about it later?" Nathan nodded his head and looked up.

"Hey Lucas. Darwin done splashing you?" Lucas laughed.

"Guess so. I think he was hungry. I'm gonna go change." Nathan nodded.

"All right, let me finish this up and we can start on dinner. Do you want to go to the mainland to eat?" Lucas looked at him concerned. A lock of hair fell into his eyes and he hurriedly brushed it aside.

"Do we have to ride with Stanley again?", he asked raising an eyebrow. Nathan laughed.

"Probably, it depends on who's on duty tonight." Lucas made a face.

"Allright," he said slowly, "but if he crashes you owe me ten bucks." Nathan laughed.

"Your on, now go get dressed and I'll call the ferry." Lucas grinned and walked into the house to change his clothes. Nathan looked after him still grinning.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Noyce asked, (stating the obvious). Nathan smiled at him.

"Yes I am, but I'd better get off so I can call the mainland." Noyce nodded.

"Allright, I'll talk to you later." Nathan hung up and dialed up the mainland....


- ......"You didn't tell me Stanley was the best driver they had." Lucas accused him a few hours later as they climbed up the beach toward the house. Nathan laughed."You didn't ask. Besides, I figured you could use a little excitement." Lucas made a face at him as they walked into the house.

"I wouldn't call THAT excitement. More like terror....and I get enough of living life on the edge on the seaQuest.", he finished glaring jokingly at the captain. Nathan just looked at him and smiled benignly until Lucas dropped the "glare".

"Maybe so....but I think that we've both had enough "excitement" for one day. Let's go to bed." Lucas looked at him.

"Bed? It's only nine o'clock. I'm too old to have a bed time.", he replied whiningly. A sure sign he was tired.

"Hey, I'm older than you, and I'm going to bed." Nathan answered. "Besides, I saw you yawning on the ride back."

"I was not yawning....I was screaming, you just couldn't hear me over the sound of the engine." Nathan just laughed and pointed up the stairs. Lucas rolled his eyes and started up the stairs, grumbling under his breath. Nathan followed quickly behind him.

A few minutes later, Nathan went to check on him, after getting his own pj's on, and found him sound asleep, snuggled under the covers. Shaking his head, he turned off the lights and headed for his own bedroom and some much needed rest.


. -- "NO!!!!!!!!", a scream ripped through the still night air. Nathan awoke from a dead sleep and sat up quickly. Blinking, he looked around, wondering what had awoken him.

"Stop! Please!", the scream came again and Nathan bolted out of bed, running down the hall to Lucas' room. Flicking on the light he rushed over to the flailing boy and shook him, trying to wake him from his nightmare.

"Lucas! Lucas, wake up!" he said loudly, trying to break through to the boy's mind. Lucas struggled in his arms, pushing against him and beating his fists on his chest trying to break away. "Lucas, you're having a nightmare, wake up!

"No! Please stop! It hurts! Let me go!!!!" he screamed, still asleep. Nathan grabbed ahold of him and shook him roughly, trying vainly to wake him up. "Dad stop! Please!", he pleaded. Nathan leaned back, shocked at the boy's words. Lucas began to struggle again and Nathan grabbed ahold of him, shaking him, and shouting into his face.

"LUCAS! Wake up! It's Captain Bridger! Wake up!", he shook him again, this time managing to break through. Lucas opened his eyes and looked up blearily into the captain's face.

"Captain?", he said. Nathan nodded. Lucas sobbed and grabbed onto him, burying his face in his shoulder. Nathan squeezed him tightly, stroking his sweaty hair and rocking him slightly. Lucas continued to sob into his shoulder, the tears soaking into the fabric of his t-shirt, shudders racing through his body as the terror of the nightmare lingered.

Nathan continued to rock him, hugging him tightly against him until the sobbing subsided into hiccups as Lucas tried to catch his breath. Lucas pulled away slightly, ashamed at his behaviour.

"I...I'm sorry.", he said softly, looking down. He reached up to wipe the tears from his face. He felt a hand under his chin as Nathan pushed his head up until he was looking him in the eyes.. Lucas tried to look away from the concern he could see on the captain's face, but Nathan held him fast.

"Why are you sorry?", he asked softly. "There's nothing wrong with being scared you know." Lucas shrugged and averted his eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?" Lucas shook his head hurriedly, looking at him terrified through his wide blue eyes. Nathan sighed softly. He'd never seen such terror before, in anyone's eyes, not even from his wife when she'd been dying. He gathered the boy in his arms again, rocking him and lightly stroking his hair away from his face. Lucas resisted him for a moment, but in the end exhaustion and the deep seeded need to be comforted won out and he relaxed into the captain's arms, laying his head tiredly against his chest.

Slowly, the trembling began to lessen and Lucas sighed sleepily. Closing his eyes, he leaned tiredly against the captain and let himself fall back asleep, feeling safer than he had in a long time. Nathan stayed with him, rocking him softly until he was sure he was asleep, then slowly he bagan to ease away from him. Lucas whimpered softly in his sleep, his fist closing tightly on the captain's t-shirt. Nathan smiled slightly and settled back on the bed, Leaning against the wall he pulled Lucas closer to him, feeling the boy's fist loosen and his breathing even out again. Nathan closed his eyes and fell asleep, feeling very content.


- Lucas slowly opened his eyes the next morning feeling very.....calm. Usually the day after he had a nightmare, he was jittery, jumping at every sound. On those days he tended to stay in his quarters where he felt at least halfway safe, but he felt....okay today. His sleep drugged mind couldn't figure out why until a voice broke through into his consciousness.

"Well, I'm glad to see your back in the land of the living.", Nathan said laughing softly. Lucas looked up at the captain, surprised to find him sitting on a chair by the side of the bed. "Are you feeling okay?", he asked concernedly. Lucas nodded his head slowly trying to remember if he'd said anything about.......certain subjects last night. Nathan leaned forward slightly. "I'm going to go get breakfast ready. When your ready come on down. I want to talk to you about your nightmare last night." Lucas' eyes widened, trying to come up with an excuse not to have to, but the captain was already out the door. Lucas closed his eyes tightly, wishing like anything he hadn't had the nightmare.


"So," Nathan began, "what was it about?" They'd been sitting over breakfast for an hour. Nathan had been trying to get him comfortable enough to talk about it, but he hadn't been able to wait any longer. That one phrase Lucas had screamed last night: "Dad stop! Please!", had been richoceting through his mind all night. The images those three simple words brought to his mind were terrible. 'If that bastard had laid one slimy hand on-'. Nathan ripped his mind away from that train of thought, not wanting to believe what it was telling him. He looked over at Lucas who'd gone white at the mention of his nightmare..

"I....I can't re....remember?" he said trembling slightly. It was so obviously a lie that Nathan didn't even respond to it. He just stared at Lucas, willing him to tell him the truth. After a long period of silence Lucas looked up and sighed, tears welling up in his eyes. "I....I can't...", he said tearfully, pushing away from the table. Jumping up he ran toward the dock and sat on it's edge, drawing his knees up to his chest and staring out at the horizon.

He felt the dock vibrate slightly as the captain walked over to him and sat down. He sat for awhile, staring at the same nothingness. Softly he placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Lucas....please tell me. I want to help you.", he said softly. Lucas gasped and ducked his head, trying to slide away, but Nathan just tightened his grip. "Lucas.....please. No matter what it is....I'll believe you." Nathan already had an idea what the nightmare had been about and it sickened him.

Lucas looked up at him, not believing anything he'd just said, but wanting to tell him, wanting to unburden himself of this secret he'd been carrying for so long. The defenses he'd built up over the years quickly snapped into place and he retreated back into his shell before he'd built up the courage he needed.

"It's nothing.", he said dully, returning his gaze to the horizon. Nobody had ever believed him before, and he knew he couldn't take it if the captain thought he was a liar too. Nathan sighed and, placing his hand on the boy's cheek, turned his face until he was looking at him.

"I don't believe that for a second kiddo. I want you to tell me what's wrong, please." Lucas' eyes welled up with tears and he squeezed his eyes shut. A single tear fell from behind his eyelids and slowly wound it's way down his cheek until it dripped off the end of his chin. Nathan hugged the boy to him, trying to give him the extra strength he needed to tell his secret. Lucas heaved a sigh and said slowly, softly:

"I...I was in my old room back at my house. I could hear my parents yelling at each other downstairs and I was trying to block them out, but it wasn't working. I heard the door slam and then someone was walking up the stairs. I....I..tr...tried to get out a window b-but they were all nailed shut. Then the door slammed open and...and," his voice broke and the tears started to fall. "M-my d-dad was standing there , he looked so mad and-and I couldn't do anything but stand there! I don't even know how he got near me, b-but all of the sudden he was there and......" his throat seemed to close around the words and he had to force himself to push the rest of them out.

"He hit me. hard. and-and I couldn't stop him. He just wouldn't stop!", the tears were flowing in earnest now as he lost himself to his memories....

"You stupid little shit!!", his father yelled, grabbing him painfully by the arms and shaking him harshly. "You're not my son.....you don't deserve to have the Wolenczak name!", he screamed into his son's face. Lucas could only stand there as his father continued to harangue at him. "Well! Aren't you even going to say anything !" He back handed him across the face, causing his head to snap painfully to the side. Dazed Lucas looked up at his father and reached his hand up to fell the blood seeping from his split lip.

"You're not are you! Your such a little candy ass that you wont even speak!" With that he bodily lifted him into the air and threw him painfully into the wall, causing his head to whack against it with an extremely loud thump. His father stomped over and lifted him up by the collar of his shirt so that he was forced to look him in the face.

"You are worthless, do you understand me? Completely worthless!" he hissed. Lucas just stared at him, half unconscious until he felt the first fist land on his cheek, followed by another.....and another. He retreated back into the safe part of his mind, fighting for his sanity, while his father continued to punch him, until he allowed Lucas to slump to the floor, and then he started to kick at his son's limp form, cracking several ribs. Finally tiring, he stopped and looked down at the beaten form of his son. He sneered and spit on the prone form. "Can't even take it like a man..." he muttered disgustedly, stepping over the body and leaving the room.....

Lucas stopped and gazed out at the ocean once more, the tears pouring silently down his cheeks. The captain just looked at him, his own tears running slowly down his face. He couldn't believe what the boy had just shared.

"That was your dream?", he questioned stunned. Lucas nodded.

"Yeah....and you want to know the worst part of it?", he asked derisively, figuring he might as well get it all out now so the captain could hurry up and send him home, now that he knew how truly undesirable Lucas was. The captain nodded. "The worst part is, is that that really happened.", he rushed out, the sobs breaking through his fragile control and racking his entire body. "That was the night they told me I was going to seaQuest!" He pressed his face into his knees and really sobbed then, letting all the pain and disgust he'd felt pour out of him. He drew himself into the little box he'd created in his mind and didn't come out of it until he was totally spent, unable to hide anymore. But when he came out he realized something, something very important: while he'd been crying the captain had stayed beside him, not only that but he'd held him tightly the entire time. He hadn't abandoned him.


Nathan looked down into Lucas' tear stained face as the boy finally managed to pick his head up from his knees. A look of bewilderment crossed his face as he noticed that Nathan's face was also wet with shed tears. Tentatively he reached out and touched a finger to Nathan's face before quickly drawing it away and looking with amazement at the moisture on it. He looked back up at the captain, confusion and pain shining in the depths of his wide blue eyes."W-why are you crying?" he asked in a small voice bewilderment shining from his wide blue eyes, making him look more like a child then ever. He'd forgotten about his own pain in concern for the captain and Nathan just shook his head in amazement at this boy's selflessness.

"I'm sad for you Lucas.", Nathan answered simply. Lucas' face closed off and he tried to move away, but Nathan just held him fast to him. "You didn't deserve that, not any of it and I'm sorry you had to go through it. I'm sorry that nobody stopped it from happening." He hugged the boy closer to him. Lucas stiffened and then allowed himself to relax once he realized the captain wasn't going to hurt him. He laid his head on his shoulder and sighed exhaustedly.

"Don't worry about it.", he said resignedly. "That wasn't the first time and it's probably not going to be the last time that it happens." He felt the captain stiffen beside him and he felt a hand under his chin forcing him to look up. The captain stared at him with a stricken look on his face.

"Lucas..", he started slowly. "Lucas, that may not have been the first time that that happened, but I can guarantee you , it will be the last. I'll be damned if I let that bastard get his hands on you again.", he finished vehemenently. Lucas looked at him, shocked. He'd never heard the captain this mad before, not even when Stark had sabatoged the seaQuest. Plus.....

"You- you mean you believe me?" he asked faintly. Nathan looked at him in shock.

"Of course I believe you!", he answered fiercely, hugging him tightly. "I know you'd never lie about something like this." Lucas shuddered as the tension in his body left and he felt himself go completely limp in the captain's arms. He sighed as he felt the captain squeeze him gently.

"Nobody's ever believed me before.", he said softly. He heard the captain gasp softly and squeezed his eyes tightly shut, wondering what was coming next.

"You've told people about this and they didn't try to stop it?", he asked angrily. Lucas winced at the tone and tensed up again. Nathan realized his mistake and forced himself to relax. He knew that it had taken quite alot for Lucas to tell him this and he didn't want the boy to think he'd done anything wrong.

"Who?", he asked gently, not wanting to frighten him again.

"My babysitter once, but she said I was being melodramatic about a "little" spanking. One of my teachers before I went to college, but he didn't believe me either. After them I just stopped trying. Nobody seemed to care, especially since it was me, because my dad was my dad.", he answered tiredly. Nathan just shook his head slightly, amazed that people could be that ignorant and short-sighted.

"What....what about your mom?", he asked gently, not wanting to hear what he feared to be true.

"She said I deserved what I got because I was such a brat.", he answered simply. Nathan sighed and shook his head. The kind of life this boy had been forced to live shocked him, and he swore to himself that he would do everything in his power to make sure that this boy would never have to go through it again. He hugged Lucas to him again and stared out at the ocean.


"I don't know Bill! All I know is that Lucas cannot ever return to that house!", Nathan glared angrily into the vidphone his emotions raw and exposed, feeling helpless. Noyce stared at him in sympathy his own emotions reeling. Nathan had just finished telling him about Lucas' parents and he was having trouble dealing with it. Who wanted to believe that a child they knew was being abused, and by one of the most power scientists of their time no less?!?

"I don't know wht can be done Nathan.", he said slowly, thinking. "Lucas would have to press charges against them himself, and-", Nathan cut him off.

"I already told you Bill! He's too scared to do it! I already tried to talk to him about it and he started hyperventilating the moment I brought it up!" Nathan sighed tiredly, running a hand down his face. He glanced over at the dock where Lucas was "talking" to Darwin. They'd spent most of the morning talking, and the things the boy had told him.....God! The beatings, the hurtful words. Things most people had never heard of, he'd been dealing with most of his life. If Nathan ever got ahold of either Dr. or the ex-Mrs. Wolenczak he knew he couldn't be responsible for his actions! God above he thought he'd rip out their hearts with his bare hands! That is, if they had hearts to begin with!

"I guess the only thing that can be done for the moment then, is to make sure he doesn't go back to either parent. Just keep him on the saeQuest. From what you've told me, neither one seems interested in keeping up a relationship with him. It shouldn't be to hard." Nathan just stared at him.

"And what happens when they request his presence? What do I do then Bill?", he asked derisively. The thought that these people would get away with what they had done absolutely rankled, but he knew Bill was right. Until Lucas was ready to press charges against them himself, or until Nathan could figure out a way to press charges on his behalf, this was the best possible solution. It just didn't sit well with him.

"I guess we cross that bridge when we come to it." Noyce answered tiredly. It was a piss-poor solution, but it was the best one they had. He sighed and looked up at Nathan as a new thought entered his mind. "Are you willing to do this Nathan?" Nathan looked up at him, confused.

"Willing to do what?", he asked.

"Willing to watch Lucas. Since were going to have to try to keep between him and his parents, the responsibility for raising him is going to have to fall to someone, and right now the most obvious choice would be you." Nathan looked at him, one eyebrow raised in a direct reflection of one of Lucas' more sarcastic facial expressions.

"Bill, do you even have to ask that? Of course I'm "willing" to! I wouldn't have called you if I wasn't.", he answered. Noyce held up his hands as if to ward him off.

"Whoa, I know that Nathan, I just needed to ask.", he said placatingly. They were silent for a moment, until a loud splash and a laugh from the dock broke the mood. Nathan looked up to see Lucas in the water with Darwin, a happy grin on his face. He was relieved to see that smile. He'd been afraid that after today, he'd never see it again.

"I guess that's all we can do then.", he said resignedly. He glanced over at Noyce. "You just do your best to keep the both of them away from seaQuest! I don't care if one of them is dying and the only hope for them is on seaQuest, keep them away!", he said fiercely. Noyce nodded.

"I'll do my best Nathan, I promise." A noise like shattering glass was heard in the background and Noyce grimaced. "I think that was my cue to leave. Sounds like Janet dropped something important. Bye Nathan." He signed off the connection abruptly, running to check out the damage.

Nathan smiled and looked out at the dock again, where Lucas was just beginning to climb out of the water.

"What happened? Darwin pull you in?!" Lucas laughed as he walked up the steps of the porch.

"Naw, he just got me so wet there wasn't much point in staying on the dock.", he answered. Nathan laughed and stood up.

"Come on. Let's get you into the house and warm you up before you freeze to death." he gently reached out and squeezed the boy's shoulder as he led him into the house. He was gratified to see that Lucas didn't freeze at the touch, as he had so many times before. It gave him hope that he might someday be okay.

Nathan knew that there were no easy answers, no quick fix solutions to something like this. Lucas has emotional scars running so deep he might never be able to fully get over them. All Nathan could do was be there for him when he was scared, or angry, or hurt. Be there to be a shoulder to cry on when it got to be to much to bear alone. All he could do was hold him.....and make damn sure that neither one of his parents got near him, ever again.

The screen door snapped shut behind them.......

The End?