Title: The Car Gods are Laughing
Author: Scorpio
Fandom: The Sentinel
Pairing: J/B
Rating: G (this is a first for me,... a personal challenge)
Status: New/complete
Archive: Yes to anyone who wants it, just keep this section with the actual fiction
E-mail: LouisdPdL@aol.com
Series: No
Disclaimers: Jim and Blair are not mine and I am making no money from this.Notes: This is for Karen, whose own automotive adventures inspired it. Thanx babe!
Summary: Blair has one of those days...
7:45am - Loft Parking Area
Blair rolled his eyes. //Just perfect.// He glanced down again,... just to make sure. Yep, still flat.
The rear driver's side tire was doing a fair imitation of the proverbial pancake. The Volvo just sat there, silent and unrepentant. It didn't reinflate the tire at Blair's long suffering sigh, nor did it offer to fix itself at Blair's not so gentle kick.
//Figures. Jim already left for the station and I have to proctor a test. I'm going to be dirty and late.//
Taking out his keys, Blair opened his trunk and wrestled the spare tire out. Resting the tire against the side of the car, he dug back in for the jack. The jack came out easily, but it did smear him with old cruddy grease. Blair let loose a mellow-dramatic sigh and dug for the cross-bar.
Taking the cross-bar over to the flat tire, he examined the lug-nuts a moment. Yep. They were on there nice and tight.
//Just my luck.They couldn't let this been easy.//
Wondering which of the car gods he had offended recently, Blair got to work on the tire.
11:37am - Campus Parking Lot "G"
Walking across the parking lot to the Volvo, Blair glanced down at his Band-Aid covered knuckles. The lug-nuts on the flat tire had resisted his efforts to get them off with a valiant stubbornness that would have made Jim proud. It had finally taken all of Blair's strength and a volley of expletives in no less than five languages before the lug-nuts could be quelled.
In retaliation, they had smashed, cut and bruised his hands as well as sliming him with a good coating of grease. He had been able to change his shirt, but the knuckles were living proof of his battle with the stupid flat tire. There would be no hiding it from Jim, and Blair was sure that he had a lecture waiting for him as soon as the big guy found out.
With a sigh, Blair climbed into the Volvo so he could head to the station to meet Jim for lunch. Settling his backpack on the seat next to him, Blair put his key in the ignition and turned the engine over.
In his rush not to be late for once, Blair stepped on the gas. The engine caught, sputtered, and then died. Blair moaned. Just to be sure, Blair tried again.
Blair rolled his eyes in exasperation. //Why me?// He wondered once more what he had done to the car gods.
Never before had the Volvo flooded on him, but here it was. Flooded. Sighing, Blair propped his chin in his hand and glanced out the driver's side window. Three pretty young girls stared back at him.
Blair smiled at them. The three co-eds blinked and then giggled in unison. Blair felt his face turn an excruciating shade of red when he heard one of them stage whisper something unflattering about the Volvo.
//Great. Now I've got girls laughing at me. As if my day wasn't going well enough as it is.//
Blair glanced down at his watch. With a groan, Blair realized that by the time he would be able to start his car, he'd be very late. He suddenly knew that the lecture from Jim was going to be a good one.
6:45pm - Parking Lot in front of Library
Blair winced as he hurried to his car. He was so late. He had gotten caught up in some research and had lost all track of time. It was his turn to cook and he knew Jim would be starved since he'd called and cancelled their date for lunch.
//Figures he'd call after I'd sat there waiting on the Volvo. I get it going, and Jim cancels.//
Climbing into his car, Blair once again tried the key. He was careful not to flood the stupid thing, but still, nothing. Well, nothing except for the pitiful whine coming from the engine.
//Great! Now the battery is dead!//
He tried one more time. Still nothing. He sighed.
//This has not been my day.//
With the sigh of the perpetually picked-on, Blair climbed out of his car and returned to the Library to go beg for a jump-start. Hopefully he could find someone with jumper-cables and the rare ability to not insist on providing Blair with advice on vehicle maintenance. He was so not in the mood.
7:23pm - Loft Apartment
Jim hung up the phone with the Chinese Delivery just as he heard the familiar sounds of Blair driving into the parking area behind the building. He rolled his eyes in annoyance.
//Wouldn't you know it. His night to cook and he leaves me starving. I order food, and he shows up. What a day.//
Waiting for Blair to park and come up to the loft, Jim began contemplating the lecture he was going to give about responsibility. He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a muffled bang and the sound of car tires screeching. Blairs heartbeat was going wild.
Without a seconds hesitation, Jim flung open the loft door and raced down the three flights of steps. Gun pulled and ready, Jim entered the poorly lit back parking area expecting to find armed perps.
Instead, he found Blair leaning up against the side of the sloppy parked Volvo. It sounded as if the younger man was sobbing.
"Blair?" Jim reached out and laid a gentle and comforting hand on his best friends' shoulder.
Blair turned to face Jim. Tears spilled down his face and was hiccuping. After a second, Jim realized that the young man was also laughing. It was slightly hysterical, but laughter all the same.
He must have looked at Blair as if he had lost his mind, because suddenly his Guide laughed even harder. He grabbed his sides and hooted out loud.
"What's so funny?"
It took a moment for Blair to get enough breath to talk, but he finally calmed down a bit.
"Oh Jim, the Car Gods are laughing and I finally get the joke!"
Still shaking with mirth, Blair pointed down at the front passenger side tire of his car. It was flat. Blair looked up at the confused and concerned expression on the Sentinels face, and laughed even harder.