Author: Scorpio
Fandom: The Sentinel
Pairing: J/B
Rating: PG-13 for language
Archive: Yes to any who want it....
Disclaimer: All things Sentinel belong to PetFly. I am not making any money form this.
Notes: This is a bit of a "Mary Sue". I am in this as the Customer Service Rep. I do this for a living in RL and I *had* to purge my bad day. Only Blair could help. I changed the name of the company I work for to protect the guilty and my job.
Warning: Language - Naughty word alert...
://indicates thought//
...:::after being on hold for over an hour and a half, three department transfers, and one accidental disconnection, Professor Blair Sandburg *finally* reaches a real live human being on the other end of the phone - Me:::...
SCORPIO: Thank you for calling Fuck You Book Publishing Company. My name is Scorpio N Mental-breakdown. This is the Message Center. How can I help you?
BLAIR: //Thank all the gods! A *real* person at last// Hi. My name is Blair Sandburg and I'm with Rainier University. I adopted a book for my Intro to Anthropology 101 class, and the bookstore ordered a new Edition,. so I need all new Instructors Manuals and Supplements.
SCORPIO: //Of course you do.
BLAIR: Great!
SCORPIO: However, that *does* take five to seven working days to arrive. //*If* it *ever* gets there. The idiots in the fulfillment department should be drawn and quartered.//
SCORPIO: Sir, it takes time to process your order and package your books. *That's* why it takes a week to arrive.
BLAIR: What? Oh sure,... Uh... The ISBN number is 0-13-982...
SCORPIO: Sir? Sir, unfortunately the database at the Message Center does not take ISBN codes,... I can only look up books by author name and title name. May I have the name of the author?
BLAIR: What? That's kinda stupid. How can you know if it is the right text without using the ISBN?
SCORPIO: I don't. That's why I agree with you. Unfortunately, the computer simply doesn't accept ISBN's. I'm sorry. May I please have the name of the author?
SCORPIO: Could you please spell that for me?
BLAIR: Huh? Oh, yeah. KOLTIER and
SCORPIO: Was that K-O-O-T?...
BLAIR: No, no. It's K-O-*L*-T-I-E-R & V-A-S-S-E-R
SCORPIO: Thanks.
BLAIR: Essential Guide to Indigenous Peoples of the Tropical Rain- forest Volume 2.
SCORPIO: //Uh-huh.// What edition should I look for?
BLAIR: The latest. //Duh!...//
BLAIR: Okay,... what exactly is listed?
SCORPIO: I have an Instructors Manuel, a Study Guide, a transparency package, an Annotated Instructors Edition, a Solutions Manuel, a Test Bank, and a Internet 99 users pack.
BLAIR: What? That's ridiculous.
SCORPIO: I agree 100%. However, I didn't design the program. //and I want to strangle the person who did// I *do* understand it though, so I know how to get around it.
BLAIR: What do you mean?
SCORPIO: Duplicate orders are purged by Instructor name. Just give me three separate names,... one for each order.
BLAIR: Oh... Okay.
SCORPIO: Fine,... let me type in the codes for the first order and I'll get all the shipping information.
BLAIR: That one will go to me. Blair,... that's B-L-A-I-R, Sandburg, that's...