Title: Oh Chief!
Author/pseudonym: Lori J
Fandom: The Sentinel
Paring: None
Rating: G
Status: New
Archive: Yeah, baby! YEAH!
E-mail address for feedback: lojojan@worldnet.att.net
Series/Sequel: Nope
Other websites: no
Disclaimers: They aren't mine *sigh*, I would treat them better and not cancel them!!!
Notes: Just a silly fic that my muse hit me over the head with. Or it may have been the lack of sleep, not sure.
Summary: Blair can't even buy a new CD without getting hurt!
Bored, thought Jim Ellison. That's what I am, bored. I wonder when Blair will be back? Just then, Jim heard a key scrabbling at the lock. Getting off the couch, he made his way over to the door. By the sound of it, Sandburg was having a few problems getting in the door.
Unlocking the deadbolt and pulling open the door, Jim found a battered and weary Guide. "Jesus, Chief! What the *hell* happened to you?
"Can I at least come inside first?" Squeezing past Jim, Blair dumped his backpack on the floor. His coat soon followed. Following behind him, the Sentinel quietly picked up the coat and hung it neatly beside the door. Blair was wandering in the vague direction of his room. Jim was not about to let the grad student get away without some kind of explanation.
"Chief? Yoo-hoo! Chief?"
The anthropologist turned around and blinked owlishly. "Jim," he said slowly, "did you just say, 'yoo-hoo'? Isn't that a chocolate drink? Man, am I tired. Think I'll go to bed now."
"Whoa, hold on there, junior. I still want an answer to my question. What the *hell* happened? Is that a CD?" Jim pointed to the jewel case Blair had in a death grip.
Jim waited, expecting more of an answer. When it became obvious that none was forthcoming, he asked "What CD is it? And how did you get a black eye, split lip, scratched arms, and ripped clothes?"
"...huh?" His Guide was apparently having trouble following the conversation. Jim sighed to himself realizing that he would have to put up a good fight to find out what happened. Maybe he should let Blair go to bed and tell him in the morning? No, if someone had hurt his Guide, he would find out and kill him or her.
Gently grasping Blair by his elbow, Jim guided the younger man to the sofa. Making sure he was settled comfortably, the detective headed into the kitchen to make some tea. Ten minutes later, he was back with tea for Blair and beer for him.
Carefully setting the cup of tea in front of Blair, he took a good look at his Guide. The anthropologist's right eye swollen almost shut and Jim could see the bruise starting to form already. Blair's lower lip was split and had bled a bit. Jim could see evidence of it on the younger man's shirt. Blair's arms were covered with scratches and his shirt was ripped at the neck.
And he was clutching that CD as if his life depended on it. "Blair?" waiting until a set of blue eyes swiveled his way, "Let's put the CD down, OK?" Jim reached out to take it.
"NO! You can't have it! It's mine!" Yelling at the top of his lungs, the grad student pulled the CD to his chest and hugged it. "Go away!"
"Calm down. Just tell me what happened tonight."
*Sigh* "You know that I wanted to pick up the new Metallica? 'S & M'?" At Jim's nod, he continued, "So there I am, in the 'M' section. I find the CD no problem, but I stay and browse a little bit. There's a few albums that I don't have yet."
"And?" Jim was getting a little impatient.
"Chill out, big guy. I'm getting there. So I'm browsing, right? And all of a sudden, I hear the most ungodly sound I've ever heard. I look up and there's about twenty teenage girls running in my direction. I froze like a deer caught in the headlights."
"Teenage girls? Screaming? Look, Chief, you're cute and all..." Jim grinned.
"Shut up! They weren't screaming for me! You've been in Barker's Music Store, right? So you know they keep all the new release displays in the back?"
Taking a deep breath, Blair continued. "Well, I picked a bad day to go music shopping. Apparently there was some sort of sale on boy band CD's"
"Boy bands?"
"Yeah, you know, Backstreet Boys, N'Sync?"
"That's what I say, yuck! But tell that to a teenager in love with Nick!" Blair was lightly feeling around his eye and wincing.
Jim was starting to get the picture. "So basically, what happened was a bunch girls ran you down?"
"NO! There wasn't enough CD's for all of them. Since I was standing back there, they assumed that I had one. And they wanted it."
"You got beat up by *girls*?" Oh, this was too funny! Wait till Simon heard this!
Suddenly Blair was in his face. Grabbing two handfuls of Jim's shirt, he leaned close. "You *ever* breathe a word of this James Ellison, to anyone, and there'll be some interesting photographs showing up in Major Crimes!"
Jim gulped. "You don't mean..."
"Oh yes I do! Remember I have the negatives. So unless you want to see pictures of 'Candy' up all over, keep your mouth shut!" With that Blair stood up and headed towards his bedroom.
"I'm going to bed."
"Wait, Chief. You know that was a Vice assignment." Jim protested.
"Sure I do. But with a little bit of obfuscation and charm, who'll believe you? Now if you'll excuse me?" Once again, Blair started to the set of french doors.
"Blair!" when the younger man looked back, Jim patted the sofa, "Sit down and we'll listen to your new CD. Metallica huh? Doesn't sound too bad. How bout we order Chinese?"
Smiling broadly, Blair tossed the CD towards Jim. "Sure man! Just let me get changed."
Catching the CD, Jim slumped in relief. Wait a minute. What the hell?
"Sandburg? Why does this say 'An N'Sync Christmas?"