Author: Anthony Docimo

Category: ?

Spoilers: The Movie, The Nox, Enigma.

Author's Notes: yeah, i know: Nareem should be spelled NARIM. sorry.


Anthony Docimo

She had the dream again. She's fighting alongside Nereem, both their armies combatting this Goa'ould System Lord's Jaffa army.

It was over a hundred Sebek-years ago, wherein each 'year' is four hundred days exactly. One hundred fifty Earth years ago, they fought together!

"How?" she moans. That man looks so much like Nereem that it pains her heart to see it. She begins to cry, unrestrained. In the midst of it, she steps into semi-restfull slumber.

"You remember the coordinates?" Nereem asks her - was Jolinar's first host a woman too? She nods.

"Mock - volcano," she loudly enunciates, depressing a button. A loud explosion can be heard, as well as the ground shaking beneath them. "That should decimate Nolnsha's forces by a few dozen," she says proudly.

Nereem's face shows pity for some reason. "And now the rest of them will fight harder to avenge their fallen."

"Don't say it! I've done my best to learn from you. And I'm very gratefull for your agreeing to teach me ways of fighting unknown to the Tok-ra."

In a softer voice she adds, "Perhaps in another century, you'll be proud of me."

In a room surrounded by death and killing, Nereem hears her via the audio enhancer common to his station and rank. Turning her around, he grasps her by her shoulders. "Never forget!: that I am proud of _both_ of you; daughter, _and_ Jolinar, almost-Gould of the Tok-ra."

She bows in head in respect and thanks for the honor. For she'd heard many-a time, that Ra was the last true Gould; thus, to be called an almost-Gould was a compliment unparaleled, one of the highest honor possible!

"In some ways," Nereem went on to say. "You remind me of your mother Inna," he said softly, then pulled out a Yennsah -gun, which resembled a dowsing rod made of Naquadah. He aimed it at the main corridor.

"I do?"her voice asked. Nereem nodded. For some reason, Dr. Frasier's face came to mind. "Get to the Stargate," he told her. "GO - NOW!" he [yelled, ordering/ordered].

As she/Jolinar ran crouched towards the Stargate with three Jaffa and two 'normal' humans, Samantha Carter awoke. Understandably, she was disoriented.

"Dreams use people and places that're familiar," Sam recited to herself from a book she'd read. Unfortunately, she'd never seen that room before yesterday night, when she'd experienced the first part of that dream that'd nearly ended with loud explosions behind her, including Nereem's roar of pain.

She - Captain Samantha Carter - had never even heard Nereem raise his voice while he was a refugee on Earth!

Wait a minute! 'Something of the host survives' - that was one of the things that they'd all learned about the Goa'ould. Could it possibly work the other way around??

Only one way to find out!


"And just what makes you so certain that this place from your dream is really there?" Major General Hammond asked Sam.

"If it does prove to be true, then just think of the knowlege," Carter said respectfully, tapping her head/cranium.

Hammond considered this for a moment or two. "Hmm. It _is_ an interesting proposal, Capt. Carter.

"All right, you'll take just SG-1 with you to the location/place you mentioned."


First went Carter. Then Daniel, followed by Teal'C, trailed by Jack.

The air was stale and unventalated.

"Anybody else smell that?" Sam asked.

"Smell what?"

"It's acrid, like something's still burning." With that, she started running down the single hall.

"_Carter_!" Jack hollered after her. "Great, just great."

Daniel, with a bit of humor, decided to pull a 'Jack'. "I'll follow her. You guys - just do what you do," unable to find anything better or more fitting to say.

Daniel found that he had to climb over most of the pillars that Sam'd just bounded overtops of. "Her adrenal gland must've _really_ kicked in," he mumbled.

The room wasn't all that much worse than she remembered from her 'dream'. A few more bits of ceiling were littering the floor alongside demi-human skeletons and weapons, some damaged by pillars that'd been set against the walls.

Nearly all of the skeletons present bore the signature of having been Jaffa in life: the sternum began much closer to the head than in humans on Earth, giving room for the pouch; this she recalled from what was left in her mind [from/of] Jolinar.

All of the skulls were unadorned, with no sign of machinery of any sort.

"He's not here," Carter said softly. An idea came to her, sparked by what she knew had happened on Earth.

"He's there. He _has_ to be there!"

"What?" Daniel asked, having finally caught up. "Who?"

"Follow me," she told him. This time, she didn't go so fast, back to the Stargate.

Once there, she began dialing in on the DHD.

"Wait aminute, that's _not_ Earth's," Jack commented.

"Wait a minute," Daniel said. "That's the set for the Nox world."

"Yeah," Sam breathed. "Your point?"

The Stargate activated, it's watery vortex zooming first one way then the other, then calmed to vertical. Carter dashed through. Shrugging his shoulders, O'Neil followed suit; the other two members of SG-1 ran to catch up.

When Teal'C exited the Stargate, Daniel was already looking around at the familiar landscape. They sighted Jack heading towards the forest. A couple of branches moving without a wind present gave away who he was chasing. They ran after them.

Sam was running on instinct and intuition alone. She just hoped that their Nox friends still had that house where she remembered it [being].

A child's soft laugh distracted her. She tripped over a root.

Before she could fall and hurt herself on more roots, Carter was caught by a pair of strong yet slender hands.

"Hello - Samantha," an oh-so familiar voice spoke to her. She tried to get her balance, standing up on her own.

Even not taking into account the slightly longer hair, Nereem still looked more like a Nox than he did a Tolan anymore. He dressed like them, , even walked with their mannerisms.

"Sebek?" she whispered.

His eyes widened, though Sam couldn't tell what emotion was the cause. "Who told you [that]?" he whispered back.

"Jolinar of Malkshur. I take it you know of them?" she refrained from teasing, seeing the narrowing of his eyes, yet the softening of his facial features.

"Nevah ty'yae," he spoke at a normal volume. 'How have you fared?'

"He's dead," Sam told him simply, a sorrowing/sorrowfull look in/to her eyes.

"Samantha," Nereem told her. "I have thought long and hard about several things important to me," looking right in her eyes.

"I will return to Earth and help you against the Goa'ould System Lords," he said. "And, once there, there is something that I feel I must tell you."

"Sure," Sam replied.

The three other members of the SG-1 team finally caught up with her, completely out of breath. Carter turned to them, a playfull smile on her face. "Ready to head home [guys]?"

Daniel looked at Sam and Nereem. "Please, tell me you're joking!" he wheezed desprately.

"Follow me," Nereem advised, walking slowly and sedately back towards a Nox hut-cluster.


By the time Teal'C, O'Neil, and Jackson'd all caught their breath, Nereem was leaving the hut. When he exited the hut, he was garbed in traditional Brysa clothes.


Location: planet: Tolmin, southers sea, five miles offshore; 1400 years ago: They'd been enjoying a pleasant evening - and day - out on the open waters -

When suddenly a storm had come up, tipping their small craft over on it's side.

The storm had largely passed by now, but that did them capsised vessel any good.

"Remind me again," he asked, sputtering water from his mouth. "We can't die, right?"

Ina chuckled, but her face was still grim. "More like we can't die right."

"Sa'tol," a voice off the port [bow] called to them {an attention-getting nonsense word-phrase}. The thick rope was hurled to the near-drowning strugglers.

Defying all sense, Ina waited till he was grabbing the rope, then bent down, diving with nary a ripple

When she came back up over a minute later, she was clutching a box, intricate in it's interlaying of quartzite and more 'common' metals.

When they were both on board, the captain - an abnormally short man of only four feet - came up to them. "Star-gate arrived?" he only half-asked in the whistling dialect used on this world. Ina clacked - affirmative.

"Try staying closer to the shore next time," the captain told them.

They were given a place to sit, wrapped in thick furs, handed clay mugs of steaming fish blood. "Na-soh," Ina and him complemented - 'good, thank you'.

"Should we tell or show them?" he whispered in her ear.

"No - not yet anyway," Ina, the woman who wore the helmet of Apis, said to Nim, the man who was Sebek.

...{months and months later}...

(Maternity Wing,) SGC HOSPITAL:

"(She/He)'s beautifull," Sam said about her baby. "What do you think?" she asked her husband Nim.

"'As the sands possess the shine of the rocks, so too shall babies possess the wonder of their mothers'," he quoted. "Although I fear (he/she) has my brow."

Sam smiled at this little joke. "For (her/his) middle name, how does 'Jolinar' sound?"

Nim - once Sebek - smiled back at his wife, then kissed her forehead. "Perfect."

Rpou thak thaks catcth
