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Welcome to the royal Throne room! I'm glad you could come. Meet the members of the court. This page is under construction. Right now it's kind of a royal pain in the throne, but it will ge there.

Last edited Jan. 16th.

Hello. I'm sure we have met before, but just in case, I am Majesty. I am queen of the Castle, and the land which surrounds it.
If you have IE 4.0 and above, you can place the crown on Majesty's head!

I am King Majesty. I suppose I am a little more prideful in my ways, but over-all I think I am a good natured Stallion.

Hello, I am the prince. My mom says I'm full of mischief.

Hi, I'm the princess of the family. My mom says I'm her little angel, but she also says I'm a tom-boy sometimes. I don't know what that means, but I don't think that's a good it?

Hello there, I am Dutchess. My Husband the Duke has gone for a quest. You can often find me here when there are royal balls.

Hey there, I am Jester. As you can guess I am the main entertainer.

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