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half moon Lunar Magick half moon

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To most Wiccans and Neo-Pagans, the moon is more than just a crater-covered natural satellite that revolves around the Earth and lights up the night sky.
The moon is a bearer of omens, and a sacred symbol of Nature’s cycle of life to death to rebirth. It represents the feminine principle, personified by the Triple goddess (Maiden, Mother, and Crone of wisdom)
The connection between the mystical energy of the Moon and the Craft of the Wise dates back to early times when Witches were believed by many to possess a supernatural ability to literally “draw down the Moon” from the heavens and use it as the source of their magickal power.
The Moon and each of its phases are the most essential parts of modern Wiccan magick, so it is extremely important that all of your spells and rituals are performed during the proper lunar phase. (Performing a magickal spell during the wrong lunar phase could give you the opposite result or no result at all. Therefore, it only makes sense to check with an up-to-date astrological or lunar calendar before casting a spell of any kind.)
All spells and rituals that attract should be performed when the Moon is on the increase. All spells and rituals that banish should be performed when the Moon is on the decrease.
All spells and rituals that involve the element of fire should be performed when the Moon is positioned in one of the three astrological fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
All spells and rituals that involve the element of Earth (such as Gaia-healing) should be performed when the Moon is positioned in one of the three astrological earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
All spells and rituals that involve the element of air should be performed when the Moon is positioned in one of the three astrological air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
All spells and rituals that involve the element of water should be performed when the Moon is positioned in one of the three astrological water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

WAXING MOON The time from the New Moon through the first quarter to the Full Moon is the proper time to perform healing rituals, positive magick, and spells that increase love, good luck, growth of any kind, sexual desire, and wealth.

FULL MOON The period of the Full Moon increases the power s of extrasensory perception, and is the proper time to perform lunar goddess invocations, fertility rituals, transformations, spirit conjuration’s, and spells that increase psychic abilities and prophetic dreams. According to ancient European folklore, the power of the Full Moon can also magickally transform man into beast, and beast into man.

WANING MOON The time from the Full Moon through the last quarter to the New Moon is the proper time to perform destructive magick and spells that remove curses, hexes, and jinxes, end bad relationships, reverse love spells and aphrodisiacs, break bad habits and unhealthy addictions, undo negative influences, and decrease fevers and pains.

MOON IN ARIES is the ideal time to cast spells that involve authority, leadership, willpower, warfare, and spiritual conversion or rebirth. It is also the proper lunar phase in which to perform healing rituals for ailments of the face, head, or brain.
Traditional candle colors: red, crimson, scarlet, burgundy.
Traditional metal: iron.
Elemental spirits: salamanders

MOON IN TAURUS is the ideal time to practice all forms of love magick, and to cast spells that involve real estate, material acquisition, and money. It is also the proper lunar phase in which to perform healing rituals for ailments of the throat, neck, or ears.
Traditional candle colors: all shades of green, pink, turquoise.
Traditional metal: copper.
Elemental spirits: gnomes.

MOON IN GEMENI is the ideal time to cast spells that involve communication, change of residence, writing, public relations activities, and travel. It is also the proper lunar phase in which to perform healing rituals for ailments of the shoulders, arms, hands, or lungs.
Traditional candle color: mauve.
Traditional metal: mercury.
Elemental spirits: sylphs.

MOON IN CANCER is the ideal time to perform rituals honoring lunar deities, and to cast spells that involve the home and all aspects of domestic life. It is also the proper lunar phase in which to perform healing rituals for ailments of the chest or stomach.
Traditional candle colors: silver, gray, white.
Traditional metal: silver
Elemental spirits: undines.

MOON IN LEO is the ideal time to cast spells that involve authority, power over others, courage, fertility, and childbirth. It is also the proper lunar phase in which to perform healing rituals for ailments of the upper back, spine, or heart.
Traditional candle colors: gold, yellow, orange.
Traditional metal: gold.
Elemental spirits: salamanders.

MOON IN VIRGO is the ideal time to cast spells that involve employment, intellectual matters, health, and dietary concerns. It is also the proper lunar phase in which to perform healing rituals for ailments of the intestines or nervous system.
Traditional candle colors: navy blue, rust orange.
Traditional metal: mercury.
Elemental spirits: gnomes.

MOON IN LIBRA is the ideal time to cast spells that involve artistic work, justice, court cases, partnerships and unions, mental stimulation, and karmic, spiritual, or emotional balance. It is also the proper lunar phase in which to perform healing rituals for ailments of the lower back or kidneys.
Traditional candle dolor: royal blue
Traditional metal: copper
Elemental spirits: sylphs.

MOON IN SCORPIO is the ideal time to cast spells that involve sexual matters, power, psychic growth, secrets, and fundamental transformations. It is also the proper lunar phase in which to perform healing rituals for the ailments of the reproductive organs.
Traditional candle colors: red, black,
Traditional metal: iron.
Elemental spirits: undines.

MOON IN SAGITTARIUS is the ideal time to cast spells that involve horses, travel, publications, legal matters, sports activities, and truth. It is also the proper lunar phase in which to perform healing rituals for ailments of the liver, thighs, or hips.
Traditional candle colors: purple, dark blue.
Traditional metal: tin.
Elemental spirits: salamanders.

MOON IN CAPRICORN is the ideal time to cast spells that involve organization, ambition, recognition, career, and political matters. It is also the proper lunar phase in which to perform healing rituals for ailments of the knees, bones, teeth, or skin.
Traditional candle colors: black, dark brown.
Traditional metal: lead
Elemental spirits: gnomes.

MOON IN AQUARIUS is the ideal time to cast spells that involve science, freedom, creative expression, problem solving, extrasensory abilities, friendship, and the breaking of bad habits, or unhealthy addictions. It is also the proper lunar phase in which to perform healing rituals for ailments of the calves, ankles, or blood.
Traditional candle color: light blue.
Traditional metal: uranium.
Elemental spirits: sylphs.

MOON IN PISCES is the ideal time to cast spells that involve dream-work, clairvoyance, telepathy, music, and the creative arts. It is also the proper lunar phase in which to perform healing rituals for ailment of the feet or lymph glands.
Traditional candle colors: aquamarine, lavender.
Traditional metal: tin.
Elemental spirits: undines.

The Wiccan Spell Book
By: Gerina Dunwich author of Wicca Craft


Splash of color Brightest Blessings Splash of color
Splash of color