Blessed Moon
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Winking Moon Blessed MoonWinking Moon

Animated Rings

My favorite is the full moon.
Bright and filled with hope and love.
Shining its blessings upon the earth
From somewhere up above.

Lighting our way in the darkest of nights
And charging the people with power
To deal with our gravest misfortunes in life
Some in their last final hour

Reach out and touch it, hold tight to your will
And don’t let the memories die
The Full moon will glow till the end of all time
As the wind will breathe softly and sigh.

Remember the moon is a powerful force
Her glory will show you the way
When we are returned from the sweet summer lands
To the New life so precious in May

DreW 1999

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Splash of color Brightest Blessings Splash of color
Splash of color