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Numerology Calculator

Numerology Calculator

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Numbers are not just numbers. Each number has its own energy. Every letter of the alphabet corresponds with a number from 1 to 9. All of the letters of your name are added and reduced to the final number. This number holds important information about what kind of person you are or can become in the future.

This is done using the chart below. Example: if your name is John Smith, the corresponding numbers would be, 1685 14928. Add these together to get 44, add these two digits together to get the final number which is an 8. John Smiths name is an 8.  

You can do the same thing with your birth date. For example if John Smiths birthday is July 14 1971 then you would write it down as 07-14-1976 =35 added together= 8. John Smith is a perfect 8 with both his name and his birthday adding up to the same number.













































































One represents leadership and ambition. It's also the number for courage, independence, mental and physical activity, individuality, and achievement. One is often seen as a symbol for beginnings.


Someone whose personality has the number two is more likely to follow than lead. Twos can be sensitive, have great intuition, and bring balance into situations. They make good partners.


In spiritual terms Three is seen as the power of unity between the mind, body, and spirit. Three is adaptable, lively, sociable, good at communicating, and keen on harmony and balance in life.


Four is an earthy number and represents stability, loyalty, and practical thinking. It symbolizes the four seasons, elements, and points of the compass. A Four is usually honest and capable.


Five is the number of the senses, and represents freedom and adventure. Fives are usually cheery, optimistic types, with a love of travel that keeps them always on the move.


Six suggests a person who is imaginative and intellectual, and looks for perfection. Sixes are also very interested in family matters and relationships, and good at taking responsibility.


Seven is seen as a very spiritual number. It represents the seven days of the week and the seven colors of the rainbow. A Seven is wise, deep thinking, and interested in mystical things.


Eight is a practical number, often the number of people who are successful organizers, and good at business! Eights work hard in both the material and the spiritual worlds.

Nine is someone who cares about other people and human rights, and also has artistic or other creative talents. Nines are usually high achievers, but never boast about their success.



Eleven is a spiritual number, and one of insight and intuition. An Eleven is said to be a bringer of joy and inspiration, and will usually be sensible and down-to- earth, but often unconventional.


Twenty-two is the number of completion and perfection. A Twenty-two can be a great visionary, and good at making things happen. People with this number like to be in control of their lives and their surroundings.




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