Crystal Healing
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Crystal Healing

Animated Rings

Things you will need:
~A purple candle
~A crystal (charged by the full moon)

If you can be with the one who is ill it is much better. If you can’t then you will have to visualize the
person or animal as if they are there. To simplify, I will say the person is with me.
Touch the crystal to the affected part or parts of the body that need aid in healing. Visualize the pain
and disease being drawn into the crystal ridding the body of its problem. Chant this spell at
least three times, more if you like.
On the day of the next full moon: Place the crystal in a glass of salt water and place on a windowsill
in the sunlight. Remove it at the end of the day, rinse in clear water and recharge by the light of
the full moon

South, East, West, North,
I ask the powers to come forth
Lady spirit enter here
Direction spirits please appear

Air come forward breathe your life
Water cleanse away all strife
Fire destroy disease within
Earth rebuilds it new again

Dispel all stress that grows inside
So baneful thoughts will not reside
I call the Goddess fair and right
To guard (ill persons name) day and night!


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Splash of color Brightest Blessings Splash of color
Splash of color