Healing A Friendship
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animated handshake Healing A Friendshipanimated handshake

animated Rings

My son and I performed this one for a schoolmate who was constantly picking on him causing my son great unhappiness. The boy would tease and torment him relentlessly.

On Feb-8-1999, Falcore came home and said he wouldn’t return to school until he knew
the boy would not bother him anymore. After dinner we sat down and meditated over what we would do.

Finally we lit our candles, and incense, cast our circle and began.

For this spell you will need:

~Pink candles (4)
~Vanilla incense stick
~Matches (to light candles and incense)
~A picture of your enemy (if a photo is not available a drawing on blue parchment will do)
~A pen (to write on back of picture)
~A gemstone (I used crystal for healing)
~A spell box or small cardboard box with lid (a 2x4 chocolate candy box works well)
~A blue string or ribbon to tie the box when spell is complete (light blue is healing, patience, and happiness)
~Herbs (dried or fresh) choose 3 of the following and use enough to cover the contents of the box.
Clover ~ Hops ~ Vervain ~ Mustard seed ~ Valerian ~ Chamomile ~ or Catnip.

We didn’t have a photo of the boy so we drew a picture on blue parchment to represent him. On the back of the paper we wrote his first and last name the year of his birth, the name of the street he lives on and his town. We passed this paper through the smoke of the incense and placed it in the box along with the crystal. Then we covered them with hops, red clover and chamomile. As we did this, we chanted:

Enemy, enemy turn into friend
Let all ill will now come to an end
I call upon the power in me
As I do will so mote it be

Blessed be!

While continuing to chant, the lid was fitted onto the box and the light blue string was tied in place. We tied seven knots while we visualized the two boys becoming friends. (this will bind the spell) We then locked the box away where it would not be disturbed.

The following day my son went to school. The boy approached him and spoke kindly to him. They're not close friends, but they do talk and there are no more fights.

DreW and Falcore