Healing Physical Pain
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Healing Physical Pain

animated Rings

For this one you only need visualization and the desire to rid yourself or someone else of the pain. If you can reach the spot that hurts, make a circle around the area with your hands. Visualize a healing white or blue light within that circle. See a pentagram within that light slowly sinking into the painful area, healing and taking away the pain. As you do this chant.

Goddess take the pain away
If not all, some anyway.
I know invoke the law of three,
This is my will, so mote it be!

Continue to chant as long as you need to. Usually it takes only a few moments. Then relax and rest until you need to do it again. For me, the pain in my foot from the surgery that put the bones back together has stayed away for as long as two hours before having to repeat the spell. Enough time to get a bit of sleep until I was able to take my next pain killers. If you're in hospital (I was in a Catholic hospital) and are concerned about being over-heard, Say it in your head or in a whisper. It works well either way.

At 4 a.m. I had to jump out of a second story window onto concrete when the house caught fire. I broke all of the bones in 4 of my toes (putting two of them through the bottom of my foot), crushed and broke the rest of the bones in the same foot just below the ankle. This spell "worked wonders" for the pain I was feeling so you shouldn't have any problems getting it to work for you!