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Olive Canapé

animated rings

Olive was one of the main ingredients in most of the sacred anointing oils for both the body and the hair. The biblical story of Noah indicates that the olive is a harbinger of hope. Green olives are a food color for growth and the triangle is a symbol of completion.

1 (8 oz) package cream cheese softened
1 tablespoon heavy cream
1 teaspoon minced onion

1 (8 oz) jar green olives, drained and minced
Dash of pepper
Toast pieces for Canapés

In a small bowl, using a fork, blend the cream cheese and heavy cream until smooth. Mix in the onion, olives, and pepper. Spread on toast pieces. Decorate with sliced olives in a triangular overlay.
Yeild: 40 pieces.

Variation: Substitute black olives to banish negativity. Use the extra-large size and stuff them with filling until they burst apart, symbolically breaking negative energy, then crush and spread on crackers to "thin it out" even more.

Magickal Attributes: Health, peace, spiritual goals, air element, and protection.

Celebrations: Spring Equinox, birthdays, and initiations.