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Ship Of Ills

animated rings

Find a small piece of wood, one that will float, and take it to a river. With a knife carve into the stick all your problems; you can use words, pictures, or symbols. Be sure every problem you can think of is written or dipicted on the stick.
If you wish you can use a pen to write he words but this won't work as well.
While you are doing this infuse the wood with all your troubles, problems, sorrows, and so on. When you are finished set it afloat on the water and turn around. DO NOT look back at the ship of ills as you leave.
Return home, confident that it will travel down the river and on it's journey release your problems, one by one, into the water, the great cleanser.
If you wish, you may add a small mast and sail to help it on its way.

Earth Power By: Scott Cunningham


Splash of color Brightest Blessings Splash of color
Splash of color