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Samhain -The silent Supper

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Of all the Craft holidays, Samhain speaks to us of strong emotions – death, resurrection – of deep, cloaked energies and shining hope for the future. It is our New Year celebration; our will to face the specter of death without tremor; and our desire to know those things that others fear to see. This, our Samhain.

One of the most inspiring rituals performed at Samhain rises from the enactment of the Silent Supper. Along with places set for human guests, the table also holds places for those who have passed beyond the veil. The chair at the head of the table, shrouded in black, signifies the place of the deity. Six rules exist for the Silent Supper.

1. The Silent Supper should take place in sacred space.

2. All plates, napkins, glasses, and the tablecloth should be black.

3. No one may speak from the moment they enter the feast room. Each person participating should leave the room in silence after the ritual.

4. The feast takes place in candlelight or lamplight.

5. Each living guest should bring a written prayer on a 3x5-inch card or small piece of paper for their ancestors or loved ones.

6. Each living guest should bring a divination tool of his or her choice.

The timing of the feast is for you discretion. Some magickal practitioners chooses midnight of Oct. 30, 31, or Nov. 4, or 7. These dates coincide with the traditional observances. You may have as many guests as you choose or you may wish to enact the Silent Supper with only family members, or perhaps a group of Craft brothers and sisters. This feast works well as a pot luck gathering where each guest brings a dish of their choice or you can provide a menu and let guests choose what they will bring.

Before beginning the ritual, place a black votive candle on the plates of each empty place, and a white votive to represent Spirit. Create sacred space by calling the four quarters. You may also wish to cleanse the area with incense, salt, holy water, and a lighted candle.

Place your hands on the shrouded chair and invite Spirit into the scared space. Walk to each place set aside for your ancestors. Touch the chair and explain that this ritual will be done in their honor. The hostess of the feast sits in the chair opposite Spirit.

Each guest as they enter the feast room should touch the chair of Spirit then walk to the ancestral places and put their prayers under the plate. They may wish to stop at a particular chair and say a silent prayer or just send loving energy.

After everyone has taken their seats, all living guests should join hands and pray a silently for the blessing of the meal and those present, both living and deceased. The hostess will serve the empty plates, beginning at the head of the table first. Continue serving the living guests in order of age, from the oldest to the youngest.

Because verbal communication doesn’t exist during the feast, the hostess carries the responsibility of the needs of the living. You may wish to arrange things that are normally passed throughout a meal at both ends of the table. Such as bread, butter, salt and pepper and other condiments. During the meal you may also silently observe your guests to ascertain anything they may need, such as; beverage refills or extra napkins.

At the end of the feast, the guests again join hands to ask the blessings on the Spirit and the guests of the living and deceased. On the lead from the hostess, the diners will then leave the feast room. They may wish to stop at the empty places, or place of Spirit before they leave.

After the guests leave the room, the hostess thanks Spirit and closes the quarters. The guests can now re-enter and help with the clean up and perhaps share any messages they may have received during the feast. After the table is cleaned it’s time to break out the divination tools. Guests can separate by pairs, or you can form a group divination. Allow the candles to burn until the last guest has gone home, then snuff each candle. Dispose of the candle end in a living body of water, or bury them on your property.

The Silent Supper creates a deeply moving ceremony, teaches group interaction without speech, and allows you to honor those who have passed from this realm to the next, as well as the knowledge that Spirit moves with us always, through birth and death.

By: Silver RavenWolf


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