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Spider Web Sundae

animated rings

9 strands of 38-inch black lace licorice

6 ounces semisweet chocolate chips, melted and slightly cooled.

For each web, cut two pieces of licorice 5 inches long and eight pieces 3 inches long; set aside. Cut parchment paper into eight 6 inch squares.

On a clean work surface, lay out the parchment squares. In the middle of each square, cross the two 5 inch pieces of licorice to make an X. Place two 3 inch pieces of licorice in each of the four sections so they meet in the center of the X.

Fill a 10 inch pastry bag, fitted with a #3 plain tip, with chocolate. Pipe a small amount of chocolate into the center of each web. Pipe a circle of chocolate around it, ½ inch from the center and over the licorice, in the shape of a web; make 3 or 4 concentric circles on each web. Let chocolate harden, 45 to 60 minutes, before peeling off the parchment paper. Store in a cool place for up to 2 days.