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Wet Mountains

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mountains mountains
mountains mountains

We reside in Penrose, which is in Fremont County. Having lived in this area for a bit over two years, I cannot describe the "what is where" with much accuracy. However, with a trusty (?) Colorado Atlas I have discovered that the Wet Mountains are in fact the mountains located within the San Isabel National Forest which lies southwest of beautiful downtown Penrose, and extend in a southeasterly direction. The western slope of the mountains within the Nation Forest adjoin an area called Wet Mountain Valley. So, a drive to the Wet Mountain Valley is a bloody chore requiring a sturdy four-wheel vehicle, a compass, food and water for at least a week and an Indian guide, which are impossible to come by !

So - forget the trek to Wet Mountain Valley and be content with the glorious views of (what I think are) the eastern slopes of the Wet Mountains. The recent trek to this area which my lady and I undertook was done within one-half hour - but the views we encountered were; well I ask that you cast your eyes on the pictures appearing above and below. And be envious since you were not there !

mountains mountains
mountains mountains

gold line

Christine DunneTom Dunne

Christine and Tom Dunne

All photos throughout this site were taken by Christine Dunne.

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