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My Fav JC Quotes!!- by JC and about JC

"We're so pumped about performing live. Our shows are all about bringing our music to the fans. It's so great to be able to look out into an audience and see people responding"

"An interviewer asked me once if I thought I was sexy. Actually, I don't give it much thought. Really I don't!"

"I am romantic to a certain extent, but I'm not like over the top. I mean, I'm not quite a flowers-and-candy guy. I can do that but I always feel a little funny about it."

"My body's just skinny, can't do nothin' about it."

"When I'm on stage more than 20 minutes, I sweat a lot."

"There's a fine line between conceit and confidence,"

"But needles invading your body, I don't like it!"

"The minute we heard him sing with us, it was like there are the five pieces, it's like, it's like your hand, I mean, that's it."

(on fans):"Our relationship with our fans is actually, it's quite unique, we get along with them just like they were, you know, anybody who could've lived next door, we're not like, you know, 'You have to be here and you have to be in the audience, and we have to be on the stage and that's the job that the both of us have to do.."

(On their success): "It's not exactly Beatlemania, but it's pretty cool!"

"What do I like to do besides singing and dancin'? I like to sleep...And I don't get to do my hobby very often...THANK YOU!

(Playing Boxing video game w/Joey...) "I ain't goin' down! "

(on choreography)"So the minute we hear a hype beat, you know, you automatically just wanna go boom! And hit something hard. And that's what we do... "

"I wanna be the one on that chair!!"..Refering to Janet's lap dance..

"Treat people the way you want to be treated!.."

"Yeah, Chris is a little crazy.."

on IWYB: "We knew it was a hit.."

"Get on the bus"

"It just says cola on it, Chery Cola"

"If you don't see this movie at least 20 times, you're out of your mind."- on NSYNC's private screening of Star Wars.

"Since there are alot of amusement parks here, there is enough room for everybody."

"Oh, yeah! It's home!" ( When asked if he likes it in Orlando)

"I'm the serious one"

"That was really funny now get out!"

"I love singin and dancin and if I had to do it broke, I'd do it broke!"

"Dance wise, man our flavor is very high energy."

"We want people to look at us and go 'Dang did you see that?'"

"Ima go as a piece of luggage and Ima see you, HAAA!!!" (telling crazy fan story)

"Man I don't know any of these people"

"Right on! Yummy!"

"That was an onion, ONION! this war!"

"YUMMY." comment when a spring breaker told him that someone puked on her.

"There's a lot of funky things goin' on right now" (in a strange voice) (when asked what he would change about the world)

Q: Justin, will you marry me? A: Send me a picture. I'm kidding, I'm not getting married until I'm old enough to get married. I have to be old enough to vote first though. J.C.--I'm single! (I'll marry you JC!!!)

"Yes, yes, yes here we go! J.C. has got to go!" - Chris said this at the Chattanooga, TN concert.

CHRIS on JC: "He babies us!.."

"The weird think about JC is, if we're drivin' down the street and we see a pretty girl we all say ' 'wow look at that girl, she's hot.'and 5 minutes later, JC will go, 'Whoa, look at that dog, I wonder what kind it is?' he's nuts about dogs!" -Chris talkin' bout JC

"I am the cookie man and this is my sidekick sprinkles"- Justin, pointing to JC for his sidekick sprinkles.

"so what we're tryin' to say is...JC's a clepto!" -Justin on JC's Hard Rock menus

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